Conférence des parties (COP)


The Conference of Parties (COP) is the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Since 1995, the COP meets every year under a different presidency. This global meeting brings together State members of the UNFCCC for the negociation of global climate agreements, but also the civil society, mobilised for different events in parallel of the official negogiations.


COP24, december 2018

COP24 will take place from the 2nd to the 14th December 2018 in Katowice (Poland).

More information:
- official COP24 website:
- Polish COP24 website:


Participation of the pS-Eau

pS-Eau will be represented from the 5th to the 8th December and will organise a session.

Friday 7 December 2018

11:00-12:30 AM, Pavillion of the Francophonie (OIF)


"WASH Services and Climate Change. Impacts and Responses."

pS-Eau publishes a new guidebook, to support WASH actors to take into account the impacts of climate change in developping countries. The session will invite WASH and cooperation actors to illustrate with concrete examples how they are integrating climate change aspects in their practices.


For more information, contact Colette Génevaux (


Our selection of events

  • Wed. 5/12 - 13:15—14:45 in Room 3
    Mobilizing Climate Action for Health and Health Action for Climate: Special COP24 Health and Climate


  • Wed 5/12 - 18:30—20:00 in Room 6
    Towards Constructive Science-Policy Dialogues in West Africa
    Policy makers and scientists will reflect on existing impediments to and best practices for science-policy dialogues with examples from NAP processes in West Africa. Topics such as data availability, knowledge brokering and climate services will feed into the discussion.


  • Thu 6/12 - 10:00-11:30 at the French Pavilion (French and English translation)
    Imagining a +4°C world: what about water?
    Organised by the PFE


  • Fri 7/12 - 11:00—12:30 at the Pavillon of the Francophonie (French only)
    Les services d'eau et d'assainissement face au changement climatique
    Organised by the pS-Eau.


  • Fri 7/12 - 11:30—13:00  in Pieniny room (English only)
    Water and climate challenges: time to finance actions!
    Organised by: Sahara and Sahel Observatory Executive Secretary - UNECE Water Convention Secretary - PFE - UNESCO-IHP Secretary - RIOB - AGWA


  • Fri 7/12 - 15:00-18:00 in the Climate Action area (French and English)
    Global Climate Action "Water Event" : Water-wise climate solutions to mitigate, adapt and thrive!


  • Sat 8/12 - 10:00—13:00 at the Pavillon of the Francophonie (French only)
    Adaptation pour l'eau : assurer la sécurité hydrique dans un contexte de changement climatique
    Organised by the Global Alliances for Water and Climate and governments of France, Morocco and Senegal


  • Sat 8/12 - 10:00—13:00 at the Action Hub (English only)
    Ecosystem-based adaptation: coming together for water!
    Organised by GafWac and PFE


COP23, november 2017

COP23 took place in Bonn, Germany, from the 6th to 17th November 2017, under the presidency of Fiji.

More information:
- officiel Fiji website for COP23 :
- German website for COP23 :





Participation of the pS-Eau

The pS-Eau was present and organised a side-event on WASH services and climate change on the 9th Novembre in the Fijian Pavilion.

>> Download our report from COP23 (including the minutes of the side-event) :
report in French /in English, powerpoint from the side-event: pS-Eau introduction, presentation of S.Edwards, presentation of  A.Populo, presentation of A.Sene


Our resources for COP23

Download our leaflet "WASH services and climate change" : French version / English version

Look for our activities on this topic at our dedicated webpage.




Our selection:

  • 8/11/2017, 5pm, UK Pavilion: WaterAid presentation on WASH, water security and climate change
  • 9/11/2017, time tbc, French Pavilion: International cooperation of France in the field of water : basin management for adaptation to climate change (Oieau)
  • 11/11/2017, 10am-11:30am, European Pavilion : Building climate change resilience for WASH services with adapted disaster risk reduction strategies (French Water Partnership and its Emergency working Group, Secours Islamique France, Action Agains Hunger, Solidarités International) - more information here
  • From the 12th to the 17th november, on the stand of the Global Water Partnership Organisation : sharing lessons learnt of implementation of the Strategic Framework for WASH Climate Resilient Development - more information here





COP22, november 2016

The 22nd Conference of Parties took place from the 7th to the 18th November 2016 in Marrakech, Morroco.

This COP22 followed an important 21st edition, during which important decision had been made, in particular the signature of an international and universal agreement on climate, aiming to keep global warming below 2°Celcius, the Paris Agreement. This COP22 conference was therefore meant to be the conference of action, where the different commitment of the Paris Agreement were translated into practice, especially regarding specific concepts such as the adaptation, transparency, technology transfert, mitigation, capaccity building and  the loss and damages.

For the first time of the COP history, there was a dedicated day for the theme of Water, on the 9th november 2016 in the official negociation zone (blue zone). Water actors were mobilised to advocate for the importance of this topic in adaptation and mitigation measures.

After the COP : our thematic summary of COP22

Our minutes of COP22 (in French only) : this document proposes a synthesis of the different events which pS-Eau attended. It focuses on WASH services and their link with climate change.




Look back to our COP22 publications:

Leaflet (in French) "L'eau et l'assainissement face au changement climatique: les collectivités relèvent le défi!"

Our working document : "WASH services and climate change: an overview"

More information on our WASH and climate change activities here



Our selection :

8 Novembre, 11h-12h30, Agora / Les réponses des acteurs de l'eau au changement climatique (PFE)

8 Novembre, 13h-14h30, Salle 9 / Changement climatique et accès durable à l'eau potable et aux services d'assainissement en Afrique (Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau potable(ONEE) / Association Africaine de l’Eau)

8 Novembre, 15h-16h30, Sebou room / Human water security, public health and climate change (organisé par WaterAid ; co-organisateurs : AGWA/ WorldBank/ ClimateIsWater/ Unicef/ UKAid/ WHO)

9 Novembre, 15h-15h45, Pavillon comité 21, Présentation de solutions des acteurs de l’eau (participation : Véolia, Swelia, Waterpreneurs, pS-Eau)

15 Novembre, 13h-14h30, Sebou room / Travailler ensemble contre le changement climatique: De la ratification à la concrétisation. La politique étrangère de la France en matière de lutte contre le changement climatique. De la COP 21 à la COP 22 : Etat et  acteurs non-gouvernementaux unis dans l’action (organisateur : Ministère des Affaires Etrangères)

16 Novembre, 11h-12h, Agora Territoires, Stand Oasis et Zones arides / L'eau et l'assainissement face au changement climatique (organisateur : pS-Eau, Cari)


Programme of water events

  • 8th november, green zone (civil society) : programme
  • 9th november, blue zone (official zone) : programme



COP21, December 2015


No translation available