WASH services and climate change
Our activities
Whilst climate change is supported by overwhelming scientific opinion and there is growing evidence of its impact on the environment and society, many actors are mobilized around these issues and the challenges at stake for the large water cycle. The Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Paris from 30th November to 11th December 2015 reiterated the urgency to take action to prevent and protect ourselves from the climate change effects.
In this context, pS-Eau aims to examine the links between WASH services and climate change in more depth and more clearly define climate change risks and potential solutions for the small water cycle, specifically in developing countries. Supported by a working group, this work has two research axes:
- To support WASH actors and climate change and development actors in their understanding of climate risks for water supply and sanitation services
- To learn lessons and share experiences of water and sanitation-related mitigation and adaptation measures in developing countries.
You will find below the resources developed by the pS-Eau.
It is essential to take climate change and its impacts into account when developing water and sanitation services. This is especially urgent as inaction will increase future risks.
To this end, adaptation and mitigation are two complementary approaches to tackling climate change that can be used to provide a range of responses for reducing the vulnerability of services. A sound understanding of the climate risks and the health, social, environmental and economic impacts is required before taking action.
This guide provides an overview of the issues, along with definitions and keys to understanding the main climate-related concepts, in order to help water and sanitation stakeholders integrate these aspects into their practices.
Date of publication: 7/12/2018
The preparation of this document was supported by the contributions of a working group, formed by the following persons: Anne Belbeoc’h (Agence de l’Eau Seine Normandie), Denis Dangaix (ARENE Ile-de-France), Solène Fabrèges (PFE), Edith Guiochon (Coalition Eau), Ousmane Hane (SOGED), Thomas Le Jeune (GRET), Christophe Léger (Vergnet Hydro), Cléo Lossouarn (SIAAP), François Vince (AFD).
Other resources
We produced a leaflet for COP23, which summarises the key points regarding WASH services and climate change.
Dowload the English version / the French version.
This leaflet follows a previous edition published in 2016 for COP22. You can find it again in English here.
Climate events
Conference of Parties (COP)
pS-Eau closely follows the annual climate conference. In 2017 and 2018, pS-Eau organised two sessions to mobilise actors around the question of WASH services, health and climate change.
> Consult the dedicated COP page on our website.
World Water Week, Stockholm
In 2019, pS-Eau co-organised a session named “Are WASH services ready? Vulnerability assessment and adaptation options” in collaboration with DFID, GWP, WaterAid and WHO and with the participation of the University of Leeds and the University of Oxford.
> Download the minutes and presentation of this session, or consult the dedicated page.
Climate Chance
pS-Eau attended 2 Climate Chance conférences in 2017 and 2018.