Management Board

The pS-Eau Board, currently composed of 19 members, is representative of the diversity of actors forming the pS-Eau network: local authorities, associations, NGOs, networks, consultancies, foundations, research and training organisations, etc.
The public authorities, which have supported pS-Eau since its creation, have observer status on the Board.

Executive Committee Members

Mr. Jean-Marie TETART (YCID) since 15 November 2022

Mr. Thierry VANDEVELDE (Fondation Véolia Environnement)

Mr. Bruno VALFREY-VISSER (Hydroconseil)


Management Board Members

Mrs. Mireille MURAWSKI (ACAD)
Mr. Guillaume CHOISY (Agences de l’Eau)
Mrs.Frédéric VALLIER (AIMF)
Mr. Philippe FOLLIASSON (Aquassistance)
Mr.André VIOLA (Conseil départemental de l’Aude)
Mr.Jean-Marc LEBLANC (Croix Rouge Française)
Mr. Jean-Pierre CERDAN (Electriciens Sans Frontières)
Mrs.Gaëlle Le Barbu (GESCOD)
Mr.Dan LERT (Mairie de Paris)
Mrs.Hélène DUVIVIER-DROMAIN (Métropole de Lyon)
Mrs.Nicole MIQUEL-BELAUD (Toulouse de Métropole)
Mr. Eric TARDIEU (OiEau)
Mrs. Mélodie BOISSEL (pS-Eau)
Mr.Christophe LEGER (Vergnet Hydro)


Honorary Members
AMF (Association des Maires de France)

Associate Members

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion
French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME)
French Biodiversity Agency (OFB)