Publications de l'organisme -
Off-grid E-Waste Management Toolkit
- (Oct 2024)
Tracking SGD7 - The Energy Progress Report
- (Jun 2024)
Lebanon Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR)
- (Mar 2024)
The Economics of Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa: Institutional Solutions
- (Dec 2023)
Aspects économiques de la pénurie d'eau au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, solutions institutionnelles: abrégé
- (Dec 2023)
Tracking SDG7 : The energy progress report 2023
- (Jun 2023)
Note Technique, Pénurie d'eau et sécheresses
- (May 2023)
State of the world's drinking water: An urgent call to action to accelerate progress on ensuring safe drinking water for all
- (Oct 2022)
The Enabling Environment for Menstrual Health and Hygiene: Case Study - Kenya
- (Aug 2022)
Sécurité de l'Eau au Sénégal : Sommaire exécutif
- (Mar 2022)
Challenges and Recommendations for Water Security in Senegal at National Level and in the Dakar-Mbour-Thiès Triangle
- (Feb 2022)
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: A Guide to Help Small Towns Select Appropriate Options.
- (Jan 2022)
Drought Resilience Profiles : Madagascar
- (Dec 2021)
Dignostic du secteur privé - Créer des marchés à Madagascar
- (Dec 2021)
Ebb and Flow, Volume 1 : Water, Migration, and Development
- (Aug 2021)
Ebb and flow, volume 2: Water in the shadow of conflict in the Middle East and North Africa
- (Aug 2021)
Flux et reflux, volume 1 : Eau, Migration et Développement - Résumé
- (Aug 2021)
Flux et reflux, Volume 2 : L'eau dans l'ombre des conflits dans la région MoyenOrient et Afrique du Nord - Résumé analytique
- (Aug 2021)
Water in Curcular Economy and Resilience (WICER) : The Case of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- (Jun 2021)
Menstrual Health and Hygiene Resource Package
- (May 2021)
Climate risk country profile - Morocco
- (Feb 2021)
Assainissement rural en Haïti: Le modèle ZANA pour l'Assainissement écologique
- (Jan 2021)
Moldova : Water Security Diagnostic and Future Outlook
- (Nov 2020)
Valuing Water, Enabling Change
- (Nov 2020)
Moldova Policy Notes 2019 - Sustaining Stability and Reviving Growth
Enhancing Water Security and Service Delivery
- (Jul 2020)
Face au coronavirus, les Africains se réveilleront-ils pour réagir à la crise de l'eau ?
- (Apr 2020)
Eau, assainissement et COVID-19 : le lavage des mains, plus vital que jamais
- (Apr 2020)
Santé, sécurité et dignité des agents de l'assainissement. Étude préliminaire
- (Nov 2019)
Safely Managed Sanitation in High-Density Rural Areas : Turning Fecal Sludge into a Resource through Innovative Waste Management
- (Sep 2019)
Women in Water Utilities : Breaking Barriers
- (Aug 2019)
Quality Unknown : The Invisible Water Crisis
- (Aug 2019)
Reform and Finance for the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector
- (Aug 2019)
Doing More with Less: Smarter Subsidies for Water Supply and Sanitation
- (Aug 2019)
Participation des femmes dans les compagnies des eaux : Comment surmonter les obstacles
- (Aug 2019)
Towards a Safe, Clean and Resilient Water System in Vietnam
- (Jun 2019)
In Vietnam, sound Water Development approaches yield positive benefits
- (Jun 2019)
Vietnam's growth success comes with challenges for water resources
- (Jun 2019)
Tackling a crisis of "too dirty, too little, too polluted" toward a better water future for Vietnam
- (Jun 2019)
Vietnam : Toward a safe, clean, and resilient water system
- (Jun 2019)
Citywide inclusive water supply: adopting off-grid solutions to achieve the SDGs
- (Jun 2019)
Une Destinée Façonnée par l'Eau : Diagnostic de l'Accès à l'Eau, l'Assainissement, l'Hygiène, et la Pauvreté au Niger
- (Jun 2019)
The Role of Desalination in an Increasingly Water-Scarce World
- (Mar 2019)
Fintech for the Water Sector : Advancing Financial Inclusion for More Equitable Access to Water
- (Mar 2019)
Accès à l'électricité en Afrique subsaharienne
- (Feb 2019)
Water and Nutrition: A Framework for Action.
- (Jan 2019)
Building the Resilience of WSS Utilities to Climate Change and Other Threats : A Road Map
- (Dec 2018)
What a Waste 2.0 : A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050
- (Dec 2018)
Eau et assainissement pour tous en Tunisie : Un objectif réaliste
- (Nov 2018)
Decision Maker's Guides for Solid Waste Management Technologies
- (Sep 2018)
Shared and Public Toilets : Championing Delivery Models That Work
- (Aug 2018)
Off Grid Solar Market Assessment Madagascar
- (Jul 2018)
Electrification rurale du Sénégal SE4ALL
- (Jun 2018)
Overview and meta-analysis of global water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) impact evaluations
- (May 2018)
Beyond Utility Reach? How to Close the Urban - Rural Access Gap
- (May 2018)
Aligning Institutions and Incentives for Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Services
- (May 2018)
Regarder Au-Delà de la Provision par le Gouvernement des Services en Eau et Assainissement : Les Choix et Pratiques des Plus Vulnérables en Haïti
- (Apr 2018)
Innovations in WASH Impact Measures : Water and Sanitation Measurement Technologies and Practices to Inform the Sustainable Development Goals
- (Jan 2018)
Solar pumping : the basics
- (Jan 2018)
World Water Week 2017, Stockholm - "Safely managed sanitation in small towns" sessions: minutes of the sessions 1 & 2
- (Oct 2017)
Uncharted Waters: The New Economics of Water Scarcity and Variability
- (Oct 2017)
Vers des eaux inconnues - La nouvelle économie de l'eau : pénuries et variabilité
- (Oct 2017)
Beyond scarcity: Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa
- (Aug 2017)
The Rising Tide: A New Look at Water and Gender
- (Aug 2017)
Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water Service Delivery Models: Findings of a Multi-Country Review - Policy Brief
- (Aug 2017)
Water Management in Israel
- (Aug 2017)
SDG 6 Clean Water
- (Aug 2017)
Beyond Scarcity : Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa
- (Aug 2017)
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation: El Alto, Bolivia
- (Aug 2017)
Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water Service Delivery Models: Findings of a Multi-Country Review
- (Aug 2017)
WASH Poor in a Water-Rich Country : A Diagnostic of Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- (Jun 2017)
Riche en Eau, Pauvre en Accès Diagnostic de la pauvreté et de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hygiene en République Démocratique du Congo
- (Jun 2017)
Strengthening Governance of Local Water and Sanitation Utilities for Improved Service Delivery
- (Jun 2017)
Providing Sustainable Sanitation Services for All in WASH Interventions through a Menstrual Hygiene Management Approach
- (Jun 2017)
Including Persons with Disabilities in Water Sector Operations
- (May 2017)
Performance des services d'eau en Afrique
- (Mar 2017)
Toward an analytical framework for the governance of natural resources: the case of groundwater
- (Feb 2017)
Beyond Scarcity Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa: Overview
- (Jan 2017)
Solar Pumping: A Cheaper and Cleaner Way to Access Groundwater
- (Dec 2016)
Providing Water to Poor People in African Cities: Lessons from Utility Reforms
- (Aug 2016)
Le Liban s'attaque à la pollution de l'eau
- (Jul 2016)
Fecal Sludge Management: Diagnostics for Service Delivery in Urban Areas. Case Study Reports
- (Apr 2016)
Private Sector Provision of Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Rural Areas and Small Towns : The Role of the Public Sector
- (Mar 2016)
Programme de production éthanol domestique
- (Mar 2016)
High and Dry: Climate Change, Water and the Economy
- (Jan 2016)
The Costs of Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal Targets on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- (Jan 2016)
Monitoring sanitation and hygiene in rural Ethiopia: A diagnostic analysis of systems, tools and capacity
- (Jun 2015)
Finances municipales: Manuel à l'usage des collectivités locales
- (Jun 2014)
Sanitation and externalities: evidence from early childhood health in rural India
- (Jan 2014)
Tapping the Markets: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Water and Sanitation for the Poor
- (Dec 2013)
Infografía: ¿Cuál es el valor real de un inodoro en Nicaragua?
- (Nov 2013)
Infographic: Why Waste Water?
- (Sep 2013)
Infographic: What's a Toilet Worth?
- (Aug 2013)
The Future of Water in African Cities : Why Waste Water?
- (Jan 2013)
Water and Sanitation in Gaza
- (Aug 2012)
Lebanon - Country Water Sector Assistance Strategy - 2012-2016
- (Apr 2012)
What a waste: A Global Review of Solid Waste Management
- (Mar 2012)
Urban sanitation experiences of Senegal and Burkina Faso
- (Feb 2012)
Financer les villes d'Afrique
- (Feb 2012)
Reaching Across the Waters : Facing the Risks of Cooperation in International Waters
- (Jan 2012)
More, Better, or Different Spending?
Trends in Public Expenditure on Water and Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- (Dec 2011)
Une vie meilleure au Maroc : Eau et assainissement
- (Nov 2011)
Stratégie nationale d'assainissement liquide
- (Aug 2011)
Republic of Lebanon - Country Environmental Analysis
- (Jun 2011)
Lessons learned in the developement of smallholder private irrigation for high value crops in West Africa
- (Jun 2011)
Stratégie nationale d'assainissement liquide au Cameroun: Rapport diagnostic, aspects institutionnels, financiers et techniques
- (May 2011)
Africa's Water and Sanitation Infrastructure - Access, Affordability, and Alternatives
- (Jan 2011)
Maintenant, nous avons l'eau...
- (Nov 2010)
Deep Wells and Prudence : Towards Pragmatic Action for Addressing Groundwater Overexploitation in India
- (Jun 2010)
Secteur eau potable et assainissement à Madagascar : pour une approche intégrée et dirigée vers les besoins des usagers
- (Jun 2010)
Infrastructures africaines - Une transformation impérative
- (May 2010)
Financing On-Site Sanitation for the Poor A Six Country Comparative Review and Analysis
- (Jan 2010)
Lebanon - Social Impact Analysis - Electricity and Water Sectors
- (Jun 2009)
Réflexion Stratégique sur l'Eau Potable et L'Assainissement en Tunisie
- (May 2009)
Partenariats public-privé pour les services d'eau urbains - Bilan des expériences dans les pays en développement
- (Feb 2009)
Water in the Arab World: Management Perspectives and Innovations
- (Jan 2009)
Diffusion des Ampoules Basse Consommation d'Energie
en Milieu Rural par l'Agence Sénégalaise d'Electrification Rurale (ASER) - Programme d'Activités MDP
- (Dec 2008)
The Welfare Impact of Rural Electrification : A Reassessment of the Costs and Benefits
- (Oct 2008)
L'état de l'assainissement en Afrique subsaharienne, Diagnostic infrastructures nationales Afrique - Résumé
- (Jun 2008)
Développement des villes maliennes - Enjeux et priorités
- (Sep 2007)
Etude sur l'optimisation du coût des forages
en Afrique de l'Ouest
- (Jun 2007)
Le manuel de l'initiative de lavage de mains
- (Jan 2007)
Reaching the Poor through Sustainable Partnerships: The Slum Sanitation Program in Mumbai, India
- (Mar 2006)
Handwashing Handbook
- (Jan 2006)
Toolkit on Hygiene sanitation & water in schools
- (Jan 2006)
Le Manuel de l'initiative de lavage des mains
- (Nov 2005)
Arsenic Mitigation Technologies in South and East Asia
- (Mar 2005)
Towards a more effective operational response - Arsenic contamination of groundwater in south and east asian countries
- (Mar 2005)
Public-private Partnerships for Urban Water Utilities: A Review of Experiences in Developing Countries
- (Jan 2005)
Guide pratique pour les projets multisectoriels d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement en milieu rural
- (Nov 2004)
Décentralisation à Madagascar
- (Jul 2004)
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation In China
- (Jan 2004)
L'expérience PADEAR au Bénin des latrines
familiales non-subventionnées. ‘Le marketing
social et la promotion du petit secteur privé'.
- (Sep 1999)
Estimating Wealth Effects without Expenditure Data -- or Tears: An Application to Educational Enrollments in States of India
- (Sep 1998)
Toolkit on Gender in Water and Sanitation
- (Jan 1998)
Préparer un Projet de développement Municipal
- (Jan 1996)
Simplified sewerage: design guidelines
- (May 1994)
Estimating wealth effect without expenditure data-or tears: An application to educationnal enrollments in states of India
- (Jan 1994)
Gestion Financière Municipale en Afrique - Manuel de formation pour une éducation permanente
- (Jan 1990)
Préparation des Projets de Développement Urbain
- (Jan 1987)
The design of Ventilated lmproved Pit Latrines
- (Jan 1984)
Manuel de conception, de construction et d'entretien de latrines bon marché à siphon et à rinçage manuel en Inde
- (Jan 1983)
Sanitation and disease : health aspects of excreta and wastewater management
- (Jan 1983)
The Design of Small Bore Sewer Systems
- (Jan 1981)
Health Aspects of Excreta ans sullage management - a State-of-the-art review
- (Dec 1980)
Equateur: l'Eau enfin
Solar pumping
Tracking SDG7 - The Energy progress Report 2021
Chapter 2 : Access to Clean Fuels and Technologies for Cooking