retour liste de documents détaillée197 documents:

151to 197 of 197

Présentation sur l'eau, l'hygiène et l'assainissement 
educational material , poster, visual aid - 2008 - 31 pp
Ed. CAWST - Calgary Alberta
Série de 30 affiches présentant les sources de pollution de l'eau, la bonne utilisation du filtre "canadien" à sable, les autres méthodes simples de purification de l'eau, les bonnes pratiques d'hygiène comme le lavage des mains en vue d'éviter les maladies, le gestion de l'assainissement (latrines).
Preventing diarrhoea through better water, sanitation and hygiene: exposures and impacts in low- and middle-income countries 
report - 2014
Ed. WHO - Genève
Direct use of drinking-water from unimproved sources (without household water treatment)ranged from 3% to 38% by region, with an overall average of 12% among LMICs. Regional averages for access to piped water on premises ranged from 19% to 88%, with an LMIC average of 49% (Table 1), although this figure includes intermittent and poorly managed piped supplies which may be microbially compromised.
Use of unimproved sanitation facilities ranged from 13% to 65% by region (Table 2). This ......
Promoting handwashing and sanitation behaviour change in low- and middle-income countries A mixed-method systematic review 
report - 2017 - 519 pp
Ed. 3ie - New Delhi
This systematic review shows which promotional approaches are effective in changing handwashing and sanitation behaviour and which implementation factors affect the success or failure of such interventions.
Diarrhoeal diseases are very common causes of death in low- and middle-income countries.
Improved sanitation and hygiene reduce diarrhoea, but adoption remains a challenge.
This review assesses the evidence for two questions: (1) how effective are different
approaches to promote handwashi ......
Hygiene promotion in emergencies 
position paper - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough WHO - Genève
Put Your Hands Together 
video streaming - 2008 - 4 mn
Ed. CDC - Atlanta
From doorknobs to animals to food, harmful germs can live on almost everything. Washing hands regularly is one of the best ways to stay healthy and help stop the spread of infection.
Researchers in London estimate that if everyone routinely washed their hands, a million deaths a year could be prevented. From doorknobs to animals to food, harmful germs can live on almost everything. Handwashing may be your single most important act to help stop the spread of infection and stay healthy.
Putting the SATO Tap to the test 
video - 2023 - 2 mn
Ed. SATO - Nairobi
To assess water consumption of hand washing solutions, GIZ put the SATO Tap to test in partnership with universities in the Philippines and Netherlands.
In cooperation with two large elementary schools in the Philippines, the test measured water consumption with each hand wash and found that the SATO Tap had “very low water consumption” in controlled settings.
What does ‘clean hands for all’ mean? 
position paper - 2019 - 7 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
Ce feuillet d'information explique la recherche derrière le thème de la Journée mondiale du lavage des mains cette année, « Mains propres pour tous ». Cela signifie que les habitants de toutes les régions de tous les pays ont accès à des installations de base pour se laver les mains avec du savon et de l'eau.
Hand Hygiene for All: Global Handwashing Day 2020 Fact Sheet 
position paper - 2020 - 6 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
La pandémie actuelle de COVID-19 a mis en évidence le rôle essentiel que joue l'hygiène des mains dans la transmission des maladies. Le thème nous rappelle la nécessité de prendre des mesures immédiates en matière d'hygiène des mains dans tous les milieux publics et privés pour répondre et contrôler la pandémie de COVID-19. L’hygiène des mains doit devenir l’affaire de tous. Cela nous rappelle également la nécessité de tirer parti de la dynamique actuelle pour faire de l'hygiène des mains un pil ......
Quizz e-bug 
Ed. e-Bug -
Essaie notre quiz et vérifie ce que tu sais vraiment sur les microbes et comment ils transmettent les infections! Choisis sur quelle section tu veux être testé en cliquant la case correspondante - plus tu cliques sur des cases plus cela risque d'être difficile!
WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care 
Premier Défi Mondial pour la Sécurité des Patients: Un Soin propre est un Soin plus sûr guide - 2009 - 68 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Les recommandations OMS pour l’hygiène des mains au cours des soins constituent une stratégie multimodale considérée comme la façon la plus fiable d’améliorer durablement l’hygiène des mains dans tous les centres de santé.
Safe Water School - Training Manual 
textbook - 2014 - 140 pp
Ed. Antenna - Genève SODIS - Duebendorf
Safe Water School - Training Manual - Images 
poster, visual aid , educational material - 2014 - 89 pp
Ed. Antenna - Genève SODIS - Duebendorf
Sanitation for primary schools in Africa 
booklet - 2008 - 58 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough
This book has been developed from a study of primary school infrastructure in Kenya. It provides easy-to-use tools for assessing sanitation, water supply and hand washing facilities in primary schools in Africa so that appropriate decisions can be made about sanitation improvements. The book also presents guidelines for: rehabilitating or decommissioning existing latrines; choosing the right type of latrine where new facilities are required; siting latrines appropriately within a school compound ......
Soap, toilets and taps: How UNICEF supports water, sanitation and hygiene 
Les bases fondamentales pour des enfants en bonne santé booklet - 2009 - 25 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York
Ce fascicule décrit la stratégie de l’UNICEF en matière d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement. Les auteurs indiquent qu’une bonne hygiène est un élément fondamental pour être en bonne santé. Ils proposent des toilettes dans chaque foyer. Un autre élément capital est l’amélioration de l’accès à un approvisionnement durable en eau. Ils préconisent en outre d’assurer la qualité de l’eau à domicile et à la source, ainsi que l’approvisionnement en eau, hygiène et assainissement à l’école et dans les s ......
Scrub your hands 
comics - 2011 - 3 pp
Ed. Plan International - Dakar
Des milliers d’enfants meurent chaque année à cause d’une mauvaise hygiène alimentaire. Sombo nous donne une leçon sur les règles élémentaires qu’il faut respecter.
Handwashing with soap – our best defence against coronavirus 
brochure - 2020 - 4 pp
Ed. Wash'Em -
La simple action de se laver les mains au savon reste notre meilleure défense face au coronavirus, à d'autres pathogènes responsables d'épidémies et aux tueurs les plus courants dans le monde, à savoir les maladies diarrhéiques et les infections respiratoires. Cependant, le taux de lavage des mains aux moments critiques (par exemple après avoir utilisé les toilettes ou avant de manger) reste inférieur à 20 % en moyenne dans le monde.
Ce guide vous apporte des conseils pratiques pour inciter l ......
Handwashing is the easiest way of preventing the spread of infection 
poster, visual aid - 2009 - 1 pp
Ed. IFRC - Genève
Sid the Science Kid "The Big Sneeze" 
cartoon - 2013 - 25 mn
Ed. PBS - Arlington
Sid The Science Kid learns that washing his hands with soap and water will help him be healthy and keep germs away.
"Sid the Science Kid" uses comedy to celebrate children's natural curiosity about science and explores their "Why?" questions in everyday life. It features the energetic and inquisitive five-year-old Sid, who tackles the ideas that preschoolers find fascinating (Why do bananas go "bad"? How does my juice box straw work? How does a bird fly without a plane?). In each episode, viewe ......
State of the World's Hand Hygiene 
report - 2021 - 87 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York WHO - Genève
Ce rapport est le premier du genre. Il rassemble des données d'origine diverse afin de présenter l'état actuel de l'hygiene des mains, de mettre en lumière la lenteur des progrès, et d'appeler les gouvernements et les agences d'aide à agir, en offrant des exemples nombreux et intéressants de changement.en la matière.
Au cours de la pandémie de la COVID-19, l'hygiène des mains a suscité une attention sans précédent et est devenue le pilier central des stratégies nationales de prévention de la C ......
Kids manual on Sanitation 
A Sanitation Primer for School Students issued on the launch of the National School SAnitation Initiative educational material - 2010 - 44 pp
Ed. MoHRD - New Delhi
Soap Making 
position paper - 2008 - 7 pp
Ed. Practical Action - Rugby
This fact sheet describes the procedures needed to make a variety of simple soaps and includes a number of recipes for different types of soap.
Soap stories and toilet tales: 10 case studies 
report - 2009 - 44 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York
10 études de cas réalisées dans dix pays en développement sur la problématique de l'eau potable, de l'assainissement et de l'hygiène.
Social and Behavior Change for Water security, Sanitation and Hygiene 
publication - 2021 - 13 pp
Ed. USAID - Washington
This technical brief provides guidance on developing effective, evidence-based social and behavior change programming to achieve water security, sanitation, and hygiene development objectives.
• Behavior change interventions can contribute to the success of all development results within USAID’s Water and Development Plan and should not be limited to hygiene behaviors.
• Communication-only approaches do not result in sustained behavior change within the WASH sector. SBC prog ......
Soil transmitted parasites 
comics - 2002 - 16 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
State of the World's Hand Hygiene: A global call to action to make hand hygiene a priority in policy and practice 
report - 2021 - 87 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York WHO - Genève
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of hand hygiene became evident and was a central part of global response efforts. The new report, State of the World's Hand Hygiene shows that hand hygiene is a highly cost-effective investment, providing outsized health benefits for relatively little cost.
The latest data show that some progress has been achieved since 2015. For example, the global population with access to basic hygiene services (i.e. population having a handwashing facility at hom ......
Staying Healthy by Washing Your Hands 
article , audio - 2007 - 4 mn
Ed. VOA - Washington
Experts have found that greater use of soap and water could save a million lives a year by reducing the spread of infections.
The World Bank, the United Nations and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine did a study to urge hand washing around the world. They found that one million lives could be saved each year if people washed their hands with soap often. They said that programs to increase hand washing with soap could be among the most effective ways to reduce infectious disease ......
Stop Germs! Wash Your Hands 
poster, visual aid - 2020 - 1 pp
Ed. CDC - Atlanta
SuperAmma Campaign 
cartoon , video streaming - 2014 - 4 mn
Ed. Centre of Gravity - Bangalore LSHTM - London
Cartoon supermom could limit infection and save lives by swaying people around the world to make a habit out of hand washing.
The SuperAmma Campaign was designed to promote handwashing with soap using non-health messages.
The campaign that emerged focused on a central character (SuperAmma)—an appealing, forward-thinking rural mother who had a loving, nurturing relationship with her son, teaching him good manners and ensuring that they both used soap for handwashing. It also featured a comical, ......
video streaming - 2014 - 11 mn
Ed. Centre of Gravity - Bangalore LSHTM - London
And of course she never forgets to make me wash my hands with soap before I begin to eat:: Super mom never forgets...
Syrian refugee children learn healthy habits from Sesame Street's Raya 
video streaming , communication material - 2018 - 4 mn
Ed. WVI - Mansourieh
A fun programme to teach children healthy hygiene and sanitation habits has reached Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. The WASH UP! programme run by Sesame Street and World Vision is now in 11 countries worldwide.
Systematic review: Hygiene and health: systematic review of handwashing practices worldwide and update of health effects 
article - 2014 - 11 pp
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Objective - To estimate the global prevalence of handwashing with soap and derive a pooled estimate of the effect of hygiene on diarrhoeal diseases, based on a systematic search of the literature.
Methods - Studies with data on observed rates of handwashing with soap published between 1990 and August 2013 were identified from a systematic search of PubMed, Embase and ISI Web of Knowledge. A separate search was conducted for studies on the effect of hygiene on diarrhoeal disease that included ra ......
Teach children to wash hands with soap to avoid diarrhea 
poster, visual aid - 2005 - 2 pp
Ed. K4Health - Baltimore
For a handwashing campaign in Aceh after the 2004 tsunami. Pamphlet describes when to wash hands, how to wash hands thoroughly, and how to prevent diarrhea, using illustrations.
Technical guide for handwashing facilities in public places and buildings 
guide - 2020 - 44 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
This technical guide, which is steering our COVID-19 response, provides guidance on best practice for permanent or semi-permanent handwashing facilities in public places and buildings, and shares innovation and learning from our hygiene response to date. We suggest using it in conjunction with a hygiene behaviour change intervention. While access to handwashing facilities in the home is equally important as in public spaces, we have not included it because designs tend to be different, and the r ......
Technical Notes on Drinking-water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies 
guide - 2011 - 64 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough WHO - Genève
Ces fiches illustrées de quatre pages ont été préparées par le WEDC pour l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé afin d’aider les personnes qui travaillent dans un contexte d’urgence, à planifier des réponses adéquates aux besoins urgents et de moyen terme des populations dans le secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement.
Ces fiches sont pertinentes dans de nombreux contextes d’urgence, comme les catastrophes naturelles et les crises liées à un conflit. Elles sont adaptées pour les techniciens de ter ......
Thandi's school gets clean and healthy 
comics - 2003 - 27 pp
Ed. KTT - Cape Town MRC - Tygerberg
Thandi ask her teacher: "How are we supposed to stop worms from spreading if the toilets are broken". And after, the nurse, the cleaners and the children are doing their best to clean the school...
Thandi: How do worms spread? Teachers' guide unit 2 
Thandi's story: Worms that make you sick educational material - 2003 - 26 pp
Ed. KTT - Cape Town MRC - Tygerberg
Thandi: Let's stop worms spreading? Teachers' guide unit 3 
comics , educational material - 2003 - 32 pp
Ed. KTT - Cape Town MRC - Tygerberg
In this teachers' guide, the focus is on what learners can do to proect themselves from worms at home and at school.
Thandi: the journey of the eggs 
comics - 2003 - 27 pp
Ed. KTT - Cape Town MRC - Tygerberg WHO - Genève
Thandi and Siziwe are working in the school vegetable garden with their teacher (Mrs Dlamini).
Siziwe offers Thandi a bite of a carrot.
Thandi says : "No, don't eat it! You need to wash it first. Otherwise you might get worms."
Siziwe: "You must be joRing, Thandi! 1 don't see any worms on this carrot."
Thandi: What are worms - Teachers guide unit 1 
Thandi's story: Worms that make you sick educational material - 2003 - 16 pp
Ed. KTT - Cape Town MRC - Tygerberg
What are worms and why are they a problem?
Thandi: Worms Worksheets 
educational material , game , school activity - 2003 - 36 pp
Ed. KTT - Cape Town MRC - Tygerberg
This work book comprising illustrative material is aimed to be completed by children.
The Adventures of Super Toilet 
video streaming , cartoon - 2009 - 9 mn
Ed. WaterAid - London WaterAid - New York
The Adventures of Super Toilet is a fun, but important, reminder to kids everywhere of the importance of clean toilets, safe drinking water and good hygiene...
- Super Toilet fights for Poop Justice and the Sanitary Spray. He is always on hand to safely dispose of poo when he hears the call 'Flush-a-Doody-Poo!'
- Vinny the Poo has one aim in mind: to make the school kids sick so they can't go to school.
- Soapy Hero is the coolest member of the team. His super soapy action power helps kids to ......
The determinants of handwashing behaviour in domestic settings: An integrative systematic review 
article - 2020 - 14 pp
Ed. ScienceDirect - Amsterdam
This review demonstrates that our understanding of behavioural determinants remains sub-optimal. We found that there are limitations in the way behavioural determinants are conceptualised and measured and that research is biased towards exploring a narrow range of behavioural determinants. Hygiene promotion programmes are likely to be most successful if they use multi-modal approaches, combining infrastructural improvement with ‘soft’ hygiene promotion which addresses a range of determinants rat ......
The golden rules for hand hygiene best practices 
slide show powerpoint , educational material - 2011 - 92 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
The Konosafi: Handwashing superstar comic book 
comics - 2013 - 20 pp
Ed. WSTF - Nairobi
The Magic Glasses 
cartoon - 2010 - 14 mn
Ed. QIMR Berghofer - Brisbane
Researchers in China have found that a health education package targeted at schoolchildren can improve hygiene behaviors and reduce the incidence of soil-transmitted helminth infection.
The research was conducted in rural Linxiang City District, Hunan province, where there is a high prevalence of helminth infection but limited awareness or educational activity about the risks.
The Role of Adherence on the Impact of a School-Based Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Intervention in Mali 
article - 2017 - 10 pp
Ed. AJTMH - Oakbrook Terrace
Studies assessing the impacts of school-based water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions have revealed inconsistent improvements in pupils' health and educational outcomes. This may be in part due to suboptimal project fidelity or adherence.
As part of a matched-control trial of a comprehensive school-based WASH project in Mali, we measured the degree to which schools met four prespecified WASH targets, comprised of 15 criteria, 0–3 years after program implementation. We compar ......
The Science of Habit: Creating Disruptive and Sticky Behavior Change in Handwashing Behavior 
report - 2015 - 24 pp
Ed. WASHPlus - Antananarivo
This report presents six principles for creating greater initiation and maintenance of handwashing change.
Handwashing with soap is a highly effective method for reducing the risk of diarrheal disease, yet interventions to alter this behavior often fail or achieve only short-term success. In this paper, we propose that the “science of habit” can partly explain the challenge of handwashing behavior change. Integrating basic science insights from psychology, cognitive science, and behavior chang ......
The State of Handwashing in 2016: Annual Review 
report - 2017 - 11 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
2016 was a big year in hand hygiene! This summary by the Global Handwashing Patrnership outlines key themes and findings from 59 peer-reviewed handwashing-related research papers published in 2016, relevant to low and middle-income countries, around 1) the benefits of handwashing with soap, 2) handwashing compliance, 3) approaches to handwashing behavior, 4) determinants of handwashing with soap, and 5) handwashing hardware efficacy.
Today is Global Handwashing Day 
slide show powerpoint - 2014 - 24 pp
Ed. British Embassy School - Ankara
Global Handwashing Day powerpoint for primary school children.
The importance of hand washing explained for primary school children.
Toolkit for Schools 
educational material - 2008
Ed. LSHTM - London
The intended audience for this document is anyone who is responsible for developing handwashing campaigns in schools anywhere. A manual accompanies this document to provide detailed guidance, protocols and materials for use in conducting the formative research necessary for developing your own hand hygiene campaign in schools.

151 to 197 of 197