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Sanitation for primary schools in Africa

booklet Jan 2008 ; 58 pages ; indicative price: 33€
Aut. Bob Reed & Rod Shaw & Ken Chatterton
WEDC - Loughborough ; Isbn: 9781843801276
Downloadable from the publisher
This book has been developed from a study of primary school infrastructure in Kenya. It provides easy-to-use tools for assessing sanitation, water supply and hand washing facilities in primary schools in Africa so that appropriate decisions can be made about sanitation improvements. The book also presents guidelines for: rehabilitating or decommissioning existing latrines; choosing the right type of latrine where new facilities are required; siting latrines appropriately within a school compound; the operation and maintenance of facilities; and guidelines to encourage hand washing with soap. A number of low-cost latrine designs suitable for many rural and peri-urban locations in Africa are included. The book only considers pit latrines for sanitation as these are the cheapest, simplest and in many cases the most appropriate option for rural and peri-urban areas. It also limits the discussion of water to water supply at the point of use. The book is copiously illustrated in full colour. It has been designed for a wide range of staff from agencies and government who have professional responsibilities for the provision of education and health throughout Africa.


hand washing, soap (CI) (DT) (ET) , latrine, toilet (CI) (DT) (ET) , low cost technology (CI) (DT) (ET) , school (CI) (DT) (ET)


WEDC - Water, Engineering and Development Centre - Loughborough - United Kingdom

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