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Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development
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9000  Saint Gallen
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Personnes Ressources


6 Contacts





Cyr Franck Ahononga
Adjoint coordonnateur programme Eau potable pour la population des grands lacs
(Water & Sanitation Expert)
Tél.: +250731841132
linkedin: linkedin
Martin Boelli
(Renewable energy and energy efficiency expert) - (Directeur)
Swiss Small Hydro
linkedin: linkedin
Lotti Gerber
(PR and Strategic Projects)
Sanjay K. Gupta
(Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Specialist)
Roger Schmid
Spécialiste en Eau et Assainissement
(Water & Environmental Sanitation Specialist) - (Directeur Adjoint)
Tél.: +41 71 228 54 38
Skype: r-schmid Appeler Envoyer un message
linkedin: linkedin
Fax: +41712285455
Julie Bergamin Smolnitchi Bergamin
(Water Governance Specialist, with expertise on International Water Law, Human Right to Water and Sanitation)
Pays d'intervention : Burkina Faso [<-interv. sur] - Cameroun [<-interv. sur] - Ong ou association

Publications : 1 à 17 sur 17

Qualité et corrosion des pièces composantes des Pompes à Motricité Humaine au Burkina Faso et au-delà

(Concerns about corrosion and the quality of handpump components in Burkina Faso and beyond) rapport Aut. Kerstin Danert ; 42 pages | Jul 2019
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Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas

guide ; 195 pages | Jan 2012
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Promising management models of rural water supply services

Outcomes of the 24th AGUASAN Workshop, 13 to 17 October, 2008 rapport ; 56 pages | Sep 2009
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Precio del agua

El agua: costos, tarifas y subsidios - documento de trabajo rapport Aut. François Münger & Roger Schmid ; 34 pages | Jan 2008
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site internet portail | Sep 2005
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Water Lifting

(Exhaure de l'eau) Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol.7 livre Aut. Erich Baumann ; 78 pages ; prix indicatif: 10€ | Jan 2001
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Drilled wells

Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol. 6 livre Aut. Peter Ball ; 72 pages | Jan 2001
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Spring Catchment

(Captage de sources) Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol.4 livre Aut. Christian Meuli & Karl Wehrle ; 57 pages ; prix indicatif: 10€ | Jan 2001
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Drilling Boreholes for Handpumps

livret Aut. Peter Wurzel ; 62 pages | Jan 2001
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Hand dug Shallow Wells

Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol.5 livre Aut. Seamus Collins ; 102 pages | Jan 2000
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Management Guide

Serie of Manuals on Drinking Water Supply Volume 1 rapport Aut. Urs Fröhlich ; 242 pages | Jan 2000
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Building Construction

Manuals on Drinking Water Supply Vol.3 rapport Aut. Christian Meuli & Heini Müller & Heini Pfiffner & Karl Wehrle ; 57 pages | Jan 2000
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1 à 17 sur 17 Publications
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