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Vadianstrasse 42
9000  Saint Gallen
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Personnes Ressources


6 Contacts





Roger Schmid
Spécialiste en Eau et Assainissement
(Water & Environmental Sanitation Specialist) - (Directeur Adjoint)
Tél.: +41 71 228 54 38
Skype: r-schmid Appeler Envoyer un message
linkedin: linkedin
Fax: +41712285455
Cyr Franck Ahononga
Adjoint coordonnateur programme Eau potable pour la population des grands lacs
(Water & Sanitation Expert)
Tél.: +250731841132
linkedin: linkedin
Martin Boelli
(Renewable energy and energy efficiency expert) - (Directeur)
Swiss Small Hydro
linkedin: linkedin
Lotti Gerber
(PR and Strategic Projects)
Sanjay K. Gupta
(Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Specialist)
Julie Bergamin Smolnitchi Bergamin
(Water Governance Specialist, with expertise on International Water Law, Human Right to Water and Sanitation)
Pays d'intervention : Burkina Faso [<-interv. sur] - Cameroun [<-interv. sur] - Ong ou association

Publications : 1 à 17 sur 17

Qualité et corrosion des pièces composantes des Pompes à Motricité Humaine au Burkina Faso et au-delà

(Concerns about corrosion and the quality of handpump components in Burkina Faso and beyond) rapport Aut. Kerstin Danert ; 42 pages | Jul 2019
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Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas

guide ; 195 pages | Jan 2012
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Promising management models of rural water supply services

Outcomes of the 24th AGUASAN Workshop, 13 to 17 October, 2008 rapport ; 56 pages | Sep 2009
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Precio del agua

El agua: costos, tarifas y subsidios - documento de trabajo rapport Aut. François Münger & Roger Schmid ; 34 pages | Jan 2008
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site internet portail | Sep 2005
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Water Lifting

(Exhaure de l'eau) Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol.7 livre Aut. Erich Baumann ; 78 pages ; prix indicatif: 10€ | Jan 2001
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Drilled wells

Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol. 6 livre Aut. Peter Ball ; 72 pages | Jan 2001
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Spring Catchment

(Captage de sources) Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol.4 livre Aut. Christian Meuli & Karl Wehrle ; 57 pages ; prix indicatif: 10€ | Jan 2001
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Drilling Boreholes for Handpumps

livret Aut. Peter Wurzel ; 62 pages | Jan 2001
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Hand dug Shallow Wells

Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol.5 livre Aut. Seamus Collins ; 102 pages | Jan 2000
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Management Guide

Serie of Manuals on Drinking Water Supply Volume 1 rapport Aut. Urs Fröhlich ; 242 pages | Jan 2000
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Building Construction

Manuals on Drinking Water Supply Vol.3 rapport Aut. Christian Meuli & Heini Müller & Heini Pfiffner & Karl Wehrle ; 57 pages | Jan 2000
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1 à 17 sur 17 Publications
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