retour liste de documents détaillée126 documents:

51to 100 of 126

Rehabilitating water treatment works after an emergency 
position paper - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough WHO - Genève
Measuring chlorine levels in water supplies 
position paper - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough WHO - Genève
Conservation et traitement de l'eau à domicile 
guide - 2013 - 36 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Tout savoir sur l'eau du robinet 
book - 2013 - 274 pp
Ed. CNRS - Paris
Operation and maintenance manual for rural water supplies 
textbook - 2013 - 167 pp
Ed. MDWS - New Delhi
Capital Terre : Quelle eau buvons nous vraiment ? 
Un documentaire d’Emmanuel Leclercq et Jean-Bernard Schmidt video streaming - 2013 - 101 mn
Ed. M6 -
Fluor et sel dans l'eau: défis et solutions 
position paper - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. Enabel - Dakar PEPAM-AQUA - Kaolack
Hygiene Promotion for HWTS in emergencies 
position paper - 2012
Ed. OXFAM UK - Oxford
Water Business Kit Kenya: A guide to starting your own water treatment and vending business 
guide - 2012 - 38 pp
Ed. IFC - Nairobi Aquaya - San Anselmo
Toolkit for monitoring and evaluating household water treatment and safe storage 
guide - 2012 - 62 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York WHO - Genève
Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Guide for the Nonengineering Professional 
book - 2012 - 300 pp
Ed. CRC Press - London
Evaluating household water treatment options: health-based targets and microbiological performance specifications. 
Objectifs sanitaires et spécifications portant sur les performances microbiologiques report - 2012 - 76 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Smart water solutions an update on new low cost water technologies 
slide show powerpoint , video streaming - 2011 - 53 pp - 46 mn
Ed. TheWaterChannel - Wageningen
Safe Water School Manual 
textbook - 2011 - 120 pp
Ed. Antenna - Genève SODIS - Duebendorf
Household Water Treatment Fact Sheets - Detailed 
report - 2011 - 121 pp
Ed. CAWST - Calgary Alberta
Protocoles test pour l'évaluation de technologies de rétablissement rapide de l'accès à l'eau potable pour les zones rurales de Madagascar 
report - 2011 - 51 pp
Ed. Medair - Antananarivo Practica Foundation - Antananarivo
Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Factsheet: Membrane Filters 
position paper - 2011 - 4 pp
Ed. CAWST - Calgary Alberta
Technical Notes on Drinking-water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies 
guide - 2011 - 64 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough WHO - Genève
Chlorination Manual 
brochure - 2010 - 7 pp
Ed. Inter Aide - Versailles
Water safety plan manual (WSP manual): Step-by-step risk management for drinking-water suppliers 
report - 2010 - 116 pp
Ed. IWA - London WHO - Genève
Biosand Filter Manual 
textbook - 2010 - 129 pp
Ed. CAWST - Calgary Alberta
Smart Disinfection Solutions 
Examples of small-scale disinfection products for safe drinking water booklet - 2010 - 37 pp
Ed. A4A - Den Haag NWP - Den Haag Witteveen+Bos - Deventer
Sea water desalination : to what extent is it a freshwater solution in the Mediterranean? 
position paper - 2010 - 4 pp
Ed. Plan Bleu - Marseille
Guidelines and training aids for the sustainable operation and maintenance of small water treatment plants 
report - 2009 - 70 pp
Ed. WRC - Pretoria
Current practices in manufacturing locally-made ceramic pot filters 
report - 2009 - 119 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough
A simple guide to the chemistry, selection and use of chemicals for water and wastewater treatment 
WRC REPORT NO. TT 405/09 report - 2009 - 136 pp
Ed. WRC - Pretoria
Dispositifs rustiques d'alimentation et de traitement de l'eau potable pour des services de petites tailles en régions défavorisées 
report - 2009 - 28 pp
Ed. AgroParisTech - Montpellier
L'analyse de l'eau 
textbook - 2009 - 1526 pp
Ed. Dunod - Paris
National standards for drinking water treatment chemicals 
report - 2009 - 101 pp
Ed. WRC - Pretoria
Limpieza y desinfección de pozos artesianos 
position paper - 2009 - 4 pp
Ed. OPS - Lima WHO - Genève
An introduction to household water treatment and safe storage 
A Cawst training manual textbook - 2009 - 46 pp
Ed. CAWST - Calgary Alberta
A glass full of water: Point-of-use solutions 
cartoon , video streaming - 2009 - 3 mn
Ed. Nicholas institute - Durham
O Tratamento de água para consumo humano face à qualidade da água de origem 
guide - 2009 - 82 pp
Ed. ERSAR - Lisboa
Water safety plan manual: Step-by-step risk management for drinking-water suppliers 
How to develop and implement a Water Safety Plan - A step-by-step approach using 11 learning modules report - 2009 - 108 pp
Ed. IWA - London WHO - Genève
La chloration des eaux 
booklet - 2008 - 35 pp
Ed. OIEau - Limoges
IDE Ceramic Water Filters in Cambodia 
video streaming - 2008 - 3 mn
Ed. iDE - Phnom Penh
Water Quality Interventions to Prevent Diarrhoea: Cost and Cost-Effectiveness 
report - 2008 - 40 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Maîtrise de la qualité de l'eau dans les réseaux de distribution 
book - 2008 - 263 pp
Ed. ASTEE - Nanterre
Safe water for the community 
A Guide for Establishing a Community-Based Safe Water System Program report - 2008 - 62 pp
Ed. CDC - Atlanta
Production of ceramic water filters 
video streaming - 2008 - 9 mn
Ed. Silver Filters - Sana'a TheWaterChannel - Wageningen
Household water treatment and safe storage in emergencies 
A field manual for Red Cross/Red Crescent personnel and volunteers textbook - 2008 - 44 pp
Ed. IFRC - Genève
Promotion of household water treatment and safe water storage in Unicef Wash programmes 
position paper - 2008 - 10 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York
Optimisation of Small Drinking-water Treatment Systems 
brochure - 2007 - 49 pp
Ed. MOH - Wellington
Treatment Options for Small Drinking-water Supplies 
brochure - 2007 - 45 pp
Ed. MOH - Wellington
Technology notes 
guide - 2007 - 46 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Options in Developing Countries: A Review of Current Implementation Practices 
position paper - 2007 - 22 pp
Ed. Wilson Center - Washington
Combating waterborne disease at the household level 
report - 2007 - 36 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
La production et le traitement des eaux destinées à l'alimentation et à la préparation de denrées alimentaires 
guide - 2006 - 34 pp
Ed. AESN Bocages Normands - Hérouville saint Clair
Dessalement de l'eau de mer et des eaux saumâtres et autres procédés non conventionnels d'approvisionnement en eau douce 
book - 2006 - 286 pp
Ed. Lavoisier - Paris
Handbook for the Operation of Water Treatment Works 
textbook - 2006 - 242 pp
Ed. WRC - Pretoria

51 to 100 of 126