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IDE Ceramic Water Filters in Cambodia

video streaming Jun 2008 ; Duration: 3 min. (s.t. )
Ed. iDE - Phnom Penh
Downloadable from the publisher
As of June 2008, IDE Cambodia has manufactured and sold more than 100,000 affordable ceramic water filters. These filters are manufactured locally in Kampong Chhnang with Cambodian clay and rice husks. Coated with colloidal silver, they have been proven to remove 99.9% of harmful bacteria from any water filtered through them. Cost: $8
The CWP is produced using local clay mixed with rice husk, which is formed into a pot shape using a press mold. The rice husk burns away during firing, leaving a porous filter element. A colloidal silver solution is then applied to the surfaces of the fired clay as a bactericide, after which it is set for use in a plastic receptacle tank with a lid and a spigot. The filter element holds approximately 10 litres (2.64 gallons), allowing a family to produce 30 litres (7.93 gallons) of water per day with three fillings, or more if required.


low cost technology (CI) (DT) (ET) , potabilisation (CI) (DT) (ET)


Cambodia (CI) (DT) (ET)


iDE - International Development Entreprises - Phnom Penh - Cambodia

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