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2021 Hand Hygiene Research Summary 
position paper - 2022 - 14 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
Le résumé de la recherche sur l'hygiène des mains 2021 décrit les principaux thèmes et résultats des articles de recherche liés à l'hygiène publiés en 2021. Les sections incluent les impacts sanitaires et non sanitaires de l'hygiène des mains, l'accès et les fournitures d'hygiène des mains, les déterminants et les interventions pour le changement de comportement en matière d'hygiène des mains dans divers contextes , et l'impact de la COVID-19.
2022 Hand Hygiene Think Tank Report 
report - 2022 - 14 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
The Global Handwashing Partnership Hand Hygiene Think Tank brings together experts to spur new ideas and insights regarding key hand hygiene topics.
8 steps to Hand Hygiene 
video streaming - 2011 - 2 mn
Ed. Singapore General Hospital -
Find out the 8 steps to wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs.
A Gender Tale of Water and Energy 
comics - 2008 - 16 pp
Ed. SOPAC - Suva
The aim of this comic booklet is create awareness on water, energy and gender issues. Water and energy is used on a daily basis, but the importance of using these wisely, is often forgotten. The target audience for this booklet is mainly primary and lower secondary school students, communities and community leaders.
A Lively and Healthy Me: A Campaign on Preventing and Controlling Worm Infections for Health Promoting Schools 
Teacher's resource book educational material - 2007 - 20 pp
Ed. WPRO - Manila
After the lessons, schoolchildren ages 5 to 9 will be able to:
- Describe what are worm infections
- Describe how worms enter the body
- Describe the impact of worm infection on children's growth and development
- Explain why worm infection should be prevented and controlled
- Demonstrate ways to prevent and control worm infection
- Take de-worming tablets twice a year
In addition, schoolchildren ages 10 to 12 will be able to:
- Discuss reasons why worm infections are common among childr ......
A Qualitative Evaluation of Hand Drying Practices among Kenyans 
position paper - 2013 - 6 pp
Ed. PLOS - San Francisco
Cette étude réalisée à partir d’interviews et d’observations structurées, a identifié les pratiques utilisées en matière de séchage des mains. Les résultats montrent que l’utilisation d’une serviette propre est loin d’être une pratique courante.
Fight Germs. Wash Your Hands! 
video streaming - 2016 - 3 mn
Ed. CDC - Atlanta
Handwashing is one of the most important ways you can keep from getting sick and spreading germs to others! Dirty hands spread disease. This handwashing demonstration will show you how handwashing can get rid of germs and chemicals that get on our hands every day.
This gel is like the germs and chemicals that we get from things we touch throughout the day – like our toys and pets. If we then rub our eyes, nose, or mouth, or pick up something to eat, the germs or chemicals can get into our bodie ......
Anatomical Surgical Hand Scrub 
video streaming - 2018 - 5 mn
Ed. JHSPH - Baltimore
Surgical site infections (SSIs) remain a prevalent threat to patient safety. Proper surgical hand scrub or rub techniques are essential to decreasing the incidence of SSIs. This video provides instructions on the anatomical surgical hand scrub procedure using the brushstroke method.
Learn more from the Department of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control (HEIC) at The Johns Hopkins Hospital:
Approaches to promote handwashing and sanitation behaviour change in low- and middle-income countries: a mixed method systematic review 
report - 2017 - 452 pp
Ed. Campbell Collaboration - Oslo
About this systematic review

This Campbell systematic review examines the effectiveness of different approaches for promoting handwashing and sanitation behaviour change, and factors affecting implementation, in low and middle-income countries. The review summarises evidence from 42 impact evaluations, and from 28 qualitative studies.
What are the main results?

Community-based approaches which include a sanitation component can increase handwashing with soap at key times; use of latrines ......
Are you washing and drying your hands wrong? 
press article - 2017 - 5 pp
Ed. BBC - London
Hot water or cold? Soap or handwash? Towels or hot air dryers? The post-bathroom ritual is a vital task – but is there a best way to do it?
Now wash your hands! It sounds straightforward, but it isn’t. Although there’s plenty of evidence that washing your hands after you’ve been to the loo, before eating, or after travelling on public transport can reduce the spread of disease, only 5% of people wash their hands properly all the time.
An observational study of more than 3,000 people found 10% ......
Are You Washing Your Hands Correctly? | YDIW with The Sklar Brothers 
video streaming - 2015 - 5 mn
Ed. PBS - Arlington
You might be putting in your best effort to keep your hands, fingers, and palms sparkling clean, but odds are you're still doing it wrong! Letting your hands go without their proper lathering is one of the leading causes of infections, so buckle down and take note at how to keep those germs at bay.
Are your hands clean enough ? 
Study Findings on Handwashing With Soap Behaviour in Kenya report - 2009 - 68 pp
Ed. WSP - Africa - Nairobi
L’objectif de cette étude conduite au Kenya était de construire une compréhension détaillée des comportements et pratiques qui accompagnent le lavage des mains avec du savon. Les enquêtes ont été réalisées au sein des communautés et dans les écoles. Cette étude fournit une foule d’enseignements et de recommandations, notamment en matière de motivations des individus, de facteurs qui facilitent le recours au savon, et de freins qui restreignent le lavage des mains au savon.
Lack of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and its effects on nutrition 
cartoon - 2015 - 3 mn
Ed. ACF-UK - London
2,4 milliards de personnes dans le monde n’ont toujours pas accès à des installations sanitaires de base #JMT Mobilisons-nous pour que la situation change.
Sanitation, Hygiene and Environmental Cleanliness for Child Development 
publication - 2022 - 48 pp
Ed. IDS - Brighton
Ce numéro d’Aux Frontières de l’assainissement s’appuie sur le concept de WASH transformationnel pour explorer et décrire brièvement ce que l’on peut attendre des parties prenantes à la mise en oeuvre des services d’EAH pour soutenir le développement infantile.
Il va plus loin que l’hygiène des mains pour considérer l’hygiène alimentaire et la propreté de l’environnement en général et il va au-delà des excreta humains pour considérer les déjections animales.
Assessing the health impact of the following measures in schools in Maradi (Niger): Construction of latrines, clean water supply, establishment of hand washing stations, and health education 
position paper - 2014 - 8 pp
Ed. CERMES - Niamey
Objective. To assess the effect on health of the following measures in schools in Maradi (Niger): clean water supply, construction of latrines, establishment of hand washing stations, and health education.
Methodology. It was a "before and after" intervention study on a sample of school children aged 7 to 12 years in the Maradi region. The interventions included building of latrines, supplying clean water, setting up hand washing stations, and teaching health education lessons. An individual q ......
Behavioral Determinants of Handwashing with Soap Among Mothers and Caretakers: Emergent Learning from Senegal and Peru 
position paper - 2012 - 8 pp
Ed. WSP - Washington
Beyond hardware: how a portable sink can inspire behaviour change 
article - 2016 - 2 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Despite having a cheap and simple fix that could prevent millions of deaths, how to encourage handwashing has puzzled WASH sector experts for years. The rate of handwashing with soap after using the toilet is still estimated to be only 16%.
So how do we get people to wash their hands? Geoff Revell, Program Director at WaterSHED, explains how development of the HappyTap sheds light on new ways to target behaviour.
Bino & Tino: Don't Forget To Wash Your Hands!! 
cartoon - 2014 - 2 mn
Ed. EVCL - Abuja
Don't forget to wash your hands! One of the best ways to stop children from getting ill is to make sure they wash their hands. It's the first line of defence against naughty germs. But kids don't always listen so we've made a Bino and Fino short cartoon to help spread this very important message.
Cambodian children sing for health 
video streaming - 2015 - 1 mn
Ed. BBC - London
As part of a larger maternal and child health and HIV project, a TV advert encouraged children to wash their hands to improve hygiene.
The TV advert was set at playtime, with a group of young children playing a game of rock, paper, scissors. Another child asks to join in. But he's not allowed. The children's singing reveals they're worried he might spread disease because his hands are dirty. "So dirty!" they sing.
Diarrhoea, which can sometimes be prevented by hand washing, is one of the leadi ......
Can Hygiene be Cool and Fun? Insights from School Children in Senegal 
booklet - 2007 - 12 pp
Ed. LSHTM - London WSP - Africa - Nairobi
A research project conducted among primary schools in Dakar suggests that relatively simple low-cost interventions can have far-reaching effects in improving children’s hygiene practices. This is provided that they take into account motivational factors and children’s sensitivities in relation to toilet practice and personal hygiene.
What you need to know about handwashing 
video streaming - 2020 - 3 mn
Ed. CDC - Atlanta
Apprenez comment et quand vous laver les mains et utiliser un désinfectant pour les mains, et pourquoi garder vos mains propres est l'un des meilleurs moyens de vous protéger contre les maladies.
Celebrate Global Handwashing Day with Elmo 
video streaming , live performing (tale, theatre...) - 2013 - 1 mn
Ed. GHP - Washington
Elmo and friends from around the world celebrated Global Handwashing Day with this fun video. Join them and sing along while you scrub!
Cholera and Handwashing Fact Sheet 
position paper - 2016 - 3 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
Download this fact sheet to learn the basic facts about cholera, its transmission, its treatment, and how handwashing and other critical water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) measures can play a role in its prevention.
Clean Hands for All: A toolkit for hygiene advocacy 
guide - 2018 - 31 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
Cette boîte à outils comprend des outils et des ressources pour aider les défenseurs d'hygiène veiller à ce que le savon est le lavage des mains considérées comme critiques pour la santé et le développement. Il est conçu pour aider les utilisateurs à développer des idées, des outils et des messages.
Cette trousse comprend un aperçu des raisons pour lesquelles les questions d' hygiène dans le cadre des objectifs de développement durable, une brève introduction de plaidoyer et des suggestions sur ......
Clean Hands-A Recipe for Health: Global Handwashing Day Fact Sheet 
position paper - 2018 - 3 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
This fact sheet explains the research behind this year’s Global Handwashing Day theme. Read the fact sheet for a brief explanation of how handwashing connects with food hygiene and nutrition, and why clean hands are a recipe for health!
CMS guide n°5: How to manage public toilets and showers 
book , decision support instrument - 2010 - 78 pp
Ed. PDM - Cotonou pS-Eau - Paris
How to properly wash your hands ? 
poster, visual aid - 2020 - 1 pp
Ed. ACF - Montreuil
How to Trigger for Handwashing with Soap 
brochure - 2014 - 16 pp
Ed. IDS - Brighton Unicef - Lilongwe
Le lavage des mains est une composante cruciale d’une bonne hygiène et d’un bon assainissement. Lorsque le concept d’Assainissement total piloté par la communauté (ATPC) et son objectif de communautés FDAL (fin de la défécation à l’air libre) sont parfaitement compris et mis en pratique, il est clair que le lavage des mains est indissociable de l’approche. Sans s’attaquer au lavage des mains et aux autres pratiques d’hygiène, les communautés ne pourront jamais devenir entièrement FDAL car l’ATPC ......
Handwashing Compendium for Low Resource Settings: A Living Document 
guide - 2020 - 60 pp
Ed. IDS - Brighton
Ce compendium donne des conseils et des exemples locaux et il cite des ressources complémentaires sur des installations de lavage des mains à bas coût, des balises environnementales et la promotion de l’hygiène dans le respect de la distanciation sociale. Cette édition s’appuie sur la première et la complète avec de nouvelles informations sur :
• Évacuation;
• Robinets, pompes et distributeurs d’eau pour le lavage des mains;
• Nouvelles technologies de lavage des mains : seau/conteneur avec r ......
Let's builda Tippy-Tap handwashing facility 
cartoon - 2020 - 2 mn
Ed. GIZ - Bujumbura
Le Tippy-Tap est un dispositif de lavage des mains facile à construire avec des matériaux simples et peu onéreux. Le Tippy-Tap permet, grâce à son système de pédale, de se laver les mains à l’eau et au savon sans contact direct avec le récipient d’eau, évitant ainsi la contamination de l’eau, tout en économisant le volume d’eau utilisé. Cette vidéo décrit, de manière ludique, les étapes de construction d’un Tippy-Tap tout en faisant la démonstration de son utilisation et de ses nombreux avantage ......
COVID-19 Handwashing with Soap (HWWS) Facilities – Compendium of Indicative Layouts, Designs, and Cost Estimates 
guide - 2020 - 28 pp
Ed. Unicef - New Delhi
Handwashing with soap for minimum 40 seconds is one of the precautionary measures suggested and advocated globally since the outbreak of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease).
The pandemic has created a demand for behaviour change and sustained practices of Handwashing with soap. This calls for exploring existing options of handwashing stations and create newer designs of handwashing stations globally, majorly catering to the demand of COVID responsive features.
This document explores some of the ......
Soap and water for handwashing 
poster, visual aid - 2017 - 1 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Design, Delivery, Monitoring and Evaluation of Handwashing with Soap Programs: A Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing Certificate Course 
online courses, MOOC - 2015 - 145 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
The course is geared towards those interested in promoting handwashing with soap among populations in the Global South, such as Handwashing program developers, program implementers, policy makers, funders, teachers, and monitoring and evaluation specialists. Much of the content may also be applicable to high-income settings.
Course outcomes
Understand the current state of knowledge for handwashing with soap
Identify current approaches to hygiene and handwashing with soap promotion
Uti ......
Designing a handwashing station for infrastructure-restricted communities in Bangladesh using the integrated behavioural model for water, sanitation and hygiene interventions (IBM-WASH) 
position paper - 2013 - 12 pp
Ed. BMC - London
Sept dispositifs de lavage des mains ont été testés dans le Bengladesh rural et urbain pour mesurer leur appréciation par les usagers. Parmi les facteurs d’adhésion à un dispositif : un prix accessible, robustesse des matériaux et la facilité de l’entretien.
Designing and implementing a hygiene awareness-raising and sanitation promotion strategy 
guide - 2015 - 68 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Over the last few years, the sanitation sector has developed and improved two fundamental and complementary approaches: hygiene awareness-raising to improve people’s hygiene behaviors and sanitation promotion to encourage households to install sanitation facilities, particularly toilets, showers and sinks, in their homes.
This document is intended for all sector stakeholders interested in learning more about these approaches. It provides an overview of the most commonly used hygiene awareness-r ......
2 in 5 schools around the world lacked basic handwashing facilities prior to COVID-19 pandemic 
article - 2020 - 3 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York WHO - Genève
Alors que, dans le monde entier, les écoles peinent à rouvrir, les dernières données issues du Programme commun OMS/UNICEF (JMP) indiquent qu’en 2019, 43 % des écoles à travers la planète n’avaient pas accès à des installations de base pour le lavage des mains, équipées de savon et d’eau. Il s’agit pourtant d’un élément essentiel au fonctionnement en toute sécurité des établissements scolaires en pleine pandémie de COVID-19.
Does targeting children with hygiene promotion messages work? The effect of handwashing promotion targeted at children, on diarrhoea, soil-transmitted helminth infections and behaviour change, in low- and middle-income countries 
position paper - 2017
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Huit études ont été incluses dans cette analyse: sept essais contrôlés randomisés par grappes et un essai clinique non randomisé par grappes. Les huit études ciblaient les enfants âgés de 5 à 12 ans qui fréquentaient l’école primaire, mais étaient hétérogènes tant pour le type d'intervention que pour les résultats rapportés, les résultats ont donc été synthétisés qualitativement. Aucune de ces études n’était de bonne qualité et la grande majorité d'entre elles présentaient un risque élevé de bia ......
COVID-19 Makes Handwashing Facilities and Promotion More Critical Than Ever 
article - 2020 - 3 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Face à la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19), des millions de personnes suivent les conseils des scientifiques qui les exhortent à se laver les mains. Mais pour les trois milliards de personnes qui n'ont pas accès à de l'eau propre et du savon, ce geste banal de prévention est tout simplement hors de portée. La Banque mondiale collabore étroitement avec les pays et ses partenaires pour faire en sorte que les populations puissent accéder à des installations de lavage des mains fixes et mobiles, à ......
Ebola Awareness Talk 
slide show powerpoint - 2014 - 22 pp
Ed. International SOS -
Cet outil de communication a été préparé dans un but d’éducation, il ne s’agit pas d’un substitut à une recommandation médicale professionnelle. Si vous avez des questions à propos d’un sujet abordé ici, veuillez contacter votre médecin.
Ecological Sanitation 
comics , brochure - 2013 - 26 pp
Ed. Huussi - Tampere
Effect of a behaviour-change intervention on handwashing with soap in India (SuperAmma): a cluster-randomised trial 
article - 2014 - 10 pp
Ed. The Lancet - London
Diarrhoea and respiratory infections are the two biggest causes of child death globally. Handwashing with soap could substantially reduce diarrhoea and respiratory infections, but prevalence of adequate handwashing is low.
We tested whether a scalable village-level intervention based on emotional drivers of behaviour, rather than knowledge, could improve handwashing behaviour in rural India.
Effect of a behaviour-change intervention on handwashing with soap in India (SuperAmma): a cluster-randomised trial 
position paper - 2014 - 10 pp
Ed. LSHTM - London
This study shows that substantial increases in handwashing with soap can be achieved using a scalable intervention based on emotional drivers.
Hand Washing 
poster, visual aid - 2017 - 1 pp
Ed. Florida Health - Tallahassee
Assessment of hygiene interventions: Cost-effectiveness study applied to Burkina Faso 
report - 2013 - 49 pp
Ed. IRC - Den Haag
Ce document de travail présente les résultats de l’application de la méthodologie d’évaluation du rapport coûts/efficacité d’une intervention d’hygiène sur deux sites au Burkina Faso : Ladiana et Ouahabou. L’intervention ciblée ici porte sur une combinaison d’ateliers villageois et de visites à domicile.

L’efficacité, soit le changement de comportement, est mesurée grâce à trois indicateurs :
La rétention fécale et l’usage de latrines ;
Le lavage des mains au savon aux moments critiques et; ......
Evidence linking hand washing to improved child feeding outcome 
slide show powerpoint - 2015 - 45 pp
Ed. ICDDR - Dhaka
Exploring Determinants of Handwashing with Soap in Indonesia: A Quantitative Analysis 
article - 2016 - 15 pp
Ed. MDPI - Basel
Handwashing with soap is recognized as a cost-effective intervention to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with enteric and respiratory infections. This study analyzes rural Indonesian households’ hygiene behaviors and attitudes to examine how motivations for handwashing, locations of handwashing space in the household, and handwashing moments are associated with handwashing with soap as potential determinants of the behavior. The analysis was conducted using results from a UNICEF cross-s ......
The cholera epidemic in Lebanon 
educational material , position paper , publication - 2022 - 5 pp
Ed. LEWAP - Beirut
L’épidémie de choléra que subit le Liban aujourd’hui met en exergue les problématiques du secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement.
À long terme, la solution pour endiguer le choléra, passe par le renforcement des services d’eu et d’assainissement, afin d’assurer une continuité du service d’approvisionnement en eau potable et d’augmenter le taux de traitement des eaux usées.
Soap Making Fact Sheet 
position paper - 2014 - 9 pp
Ed. CAWST - Calgary Alberta
Cette fiche technique relate l'histoire du savon, explique ce qu'est le savon, comment il est fabriqué, et décrit deux procédés de fabrication de savon.
Food Safety & Hygiene Training Video in English Level 1 
video streaming - 2013 - 35 mn
Ed. Food safety solutions -
L'importance de bonnes pratiques dans la préparation des ailiments, du bon lavage des mains, ...
Get Bubbly 
game - 2010 - 2 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
Object of the Game
To become The Bubbly (the leader of the game) by always making the motion of washing your hands before preparing or eating food, and after going to the loo. This allows kids to advance and take the place of The Bubbly.

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