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Designing a handwashing station for infrastructure-restricted communities in Bangladesh using the integrated behavioural model for water, sanitation and hygiene interventions (IBM-WASH)

position paper Sep 2013 ; 12 pages
Ed. BMC - London
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Editor Presentation
Sept dispositifs de lavage des mains ont été testés dans le Bengladesh rural et urbain pour mesurer leur appréciation par les usagers. Parmi les facteurs d’adhésion à un dispositif : un prix accessible, robustesse des matériaux et la facilité de l’entretien.
The aim of this study, conducted through interviews and structured observations, was to identify and improve understanding of hand drying behaviors related to daily living activities. The findings reveal that hand drying with a clean towel is a far from common practice.


hand washing, soap (CI) (DT) (ET)


Bangladesh (CI) (DT) (ET)


BMC - BioMed Central - London - United Kingdom

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