retour liste de documents détaillée72 documents:

1to 50 of 72

Mise en œuvre de la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (GIRE) au Burkina Faso : focus sur les rôles et missions des Comités Locaux de l'Eau (CLE)  
position paper - 2023 - 9 pp
Ed. ACTEA - Ouagadougou
Ghadir RBM Baseline Report 2022 
report - 2023 - 111 pp
Ed. ACTED - Beirut BTD - Beirut CNRSL - Beirut GVC - Furn El Chebak
Al Assi River Basin Management Plan - snapshot 
decision support instrument , pamphlet - 2023 - 2 pp
Ed. ACTED - Beirut BTD - Beirut CNRSL - Beirut GVC - Furn El Chebak
Les communs de l'eau et les communs urbains au prisme du genre 
file, study - 2023 - 42 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
Newsletter du Ran'Eau - mai 2023 
newsletter - 2023 - 7 pp
Ed. Ran'Eau - Antananarivo
Quand GIRE rime avec AGIR 
educational material , report - 2023 - 60 pp
Ed. Région Nouvelle Aquitaine - Miarinarivo Ran'Eau - Antananarivo RNA - Bordeaux
Al Assi RBM Final Report 
- 2023 - 159 pp
Ed. ACTED - Beirut CNRSL - Beirut MEE - Beirut GVC - Furn El Chebak
Report on the 'The Role and Approach of NGOs in the water sector in Lebanon' 
pamphlet , report - 2022 - 3 pp
Ed. ACTED - Beirut EU - Beirut LEWAP - Beirut
Capitalisation de la première phase du projet - Amélioration de la gestion et l'accès à l'eau du bassin versant amont du fleuve de Maylanco, en Bolivie 
publication , report , experience - 2022 - 30 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Are Fresh Water and ReclaimedWater Safe for Vegetable Irrigation? Empirical Evidence from Lebanon 
file, study - 2022 - 23 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
Stratégie eau, hygiène et assainissement 2021>2025 
brochure , file, study , report - 2022 - 17 pp
Ed. ACF - Montreuil
Revue Mines & Carrières: Dossier - Clarifications autour de l'eau en carrière 
periodical - 2021 - 72 pp
Ed. SIM - Paris
The United Nations World Water Development Report 2021: valuing water; executive summary 
position paper - 2021 - 11 pp
Ed. UNESCO - Paris
The United Nations world water development report 2021: valuing water; facts and figures 
position paper - 2021 - 11 pp
Ed. UNESCO - Paris
World Water Development Report 2021 – Valuing Water 
report - 2021 - 226 pp
Ed. UNESCO - Paris
Agir en commun pour un usage durable de l'eau agricole - Propositions pour prévenir la dégradation et la surexploitation des eaux souterraines 
decision support instrument - 2021 - 32 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
Treated municipal wastewater reuse for eggplant irrigation 
file, study - 2021 - 7 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health 
publication - 2020 - 76 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Introduction to Integrated Water Resources Management  
slide show powerpoint - 2020 - 17 pp
Ed. UOB - Al Kurah
Inclusive Governance in the Water Sector 
slide show powerpoint - 2020 - 19 pp
Ed. IAAF - Beirut
WASH Assessment Platform WAP report 2020 
report - 2020 - 96 pp
Ed. UNHCR - Beirut
Les Chants de l'Eau 
video streaming - 2020 - 55 mn
Ed. Guillaume Broust Studio - Saint Hilaire
Characterization and monitoring of water quality in Lebanon - Review of thesis conducted in Lebanese University 
documentary review, bibliography , slide show powerpoint - 2020 - 9 pp
Ed. LU - Beirut
Monitoring water quality in the coastal area of Tripoli (Lebanon) using high-resolution satellite data 
slide show powerpoint - 2020 - 25 pp
Ed. AUCE - Beirut
Table grapes irrigation with treated municipal wastewater in a Mediterraean environment 
file, study - 2020 - 11 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
10,000 Rainwater Harvesting Systems 
position paper - 2019 - 2 pp
Ed. ACTED - Beirut
LEWAP Tuesday_Characterization and monitoring of water quality in Lebanon 
position paper - 2019 - 1 pp
Ed. LEWAP - Beirut
Les sources de montagne, une ressource précieuse à comprendre et préserver dans un contexte de changement climatique global 
report - 2019
Ed. LEWAP - Beirut
SLWE Strategy 2020-2025 
law, code - 2019 - 31 pp
Ed. SLWE - Nabathieh
Vietnam : Toward a safe, clean, and resilient water system 
report - 2019 - 190 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Addressing how multiple household water sources and uses build water resilience and support sustainable development 
article - 2019 - 5 pp
Ed. Nature International Journal of Science - London
Etat des lieux de la mise en application de la GIRE à Madagascar 
communication material - 2018 - 17 pp
Ed. MEAH - Antananarivo
Qu'est‐ce que la GIRE ? Application au Burkina 
communication material - 2018 - 23 pp
Ed. OIEau - Miarinarivo
Projet Kolorano - Projet de Gestion Intégrée de la Ressource en Eau dans la Région Haute Matsiatra 
communication material - 2018 - 12 pp
Ed. Grand Lyon / Projet EAURIZON - Fianarantsoa
Projet de recherche GIRE de la région SAVA Madagascar 
communication material - 2018 - 11 pp
Ed. Université d'Antananarivo - Antananarivo
Mise en application de la GIRE à Madagascar - Cas du projet PADAP 
communication material - 2018
Ed. MEAH - Antananarivo
Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau à Madagascar 
communication material - 2018 - 27 pp
Ed. OIEau - Miarinarivo
Projet Agriculture Durable par une Approche Paysage (PADAP) 
communication material - 2018 - 4 pp
Ed. AFD - Antananarivo
Resilience in Groundwater Supply Systems: Integrating Resource Based Approaches With Agency, Behaviour and Choice (RIGSS) 
report - 2018 - 51 pp
Ed. Cardiff University - Cardiff
Council of Ministers' Decision Number (4) for the Year 2018 relating to Water Users Association Regulation 
law, code - 2018 - 15 pp
Ed. PWA - Al-Bireh
Assessing the performance of constructed wetland for water quality management of a Southern Mediterranean river 
file, study - 2018 - 11 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
Protéger la qualité de l'eau de consommation 
decision support instrument , report - 2017 - 85 pp
Ed. OXFAM - Banfora
Preferred Practices Techniques to Treat Greywater in Arab Countries for an Ablution Water Treatment Unit 
- 2016
Ed. LU - Beirut
Rapport technique final du village modèle en santé 
report - 2016 - 16 pp
Ed. FSG - Toamasina
Technical Sheet: Management of groundwater resources as commons 
report - 2016 - 236 pp
Ed. AFD - Amman
The way forward to safeguard water in Lebanon 
article - 2016 - 4 pp
Ed. AUB - Beirut
Water Substitution and Reuse Policy 
law, code - 2016 - 27 pp
Ed. MWI - Amman
Impact of the Syrian conflict on irrigated agriculture in the Orontes Basin 
- 2015
Ed. AJT - Kara AUB - Beirut
Multiple Use Services (MUS) of Water in WaterAid West Africa Understanding the practices, exploring the opportunities 
position paper - 2015 - 9 pp
Ed. WaterAid - Dakar
Jordan Water Sector Facts and figures 
report - 2015 - 24 pp
Ed. MWI - Amman

1 to 50 of 72