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Resilience in Groundwater Supply Systems: Integrating Resource Based Approaches With Agency, Behaviour and Choice (RIGSS)

RIGSS Working Paper
report Feb 2018 ; 51 pages
Aut. Gillian Bristow & Adrian Healy & Allan Stuart
Ed. Cardiff University - Cardiff
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This paper summarizes the findings of the Resilience in Groundwater Supply Systems (RIGGS) project, which explored how the interplay between environmental resources, social systems and behavioural choices affects the use of groundwater supplies.The project focused on the cas of Nigeria.

Target Audiences:

University , Cooperation actors


management of water resources (CI) (DT) (ET) , water use (CI) (DT) (ET)


Nigeria (CI) (DT) (ET)


Cardiff University - Cardiff School of Engineering - Cardiff - United Kingdom

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