retour liste de documents détaillée35 documents:

1to 35 of 35

Women in Water: How to Support Everyone's Contribution 
book - 2024 - 70 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Key components of a female-friendly toilet 
poster, visual aid - 2020 - 1 pp
Ed. Columbia University - Palisades USAID - Washington
Women in Water Utilities : Breaking Barriers 
report - 2019 - 92 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion within Water, Sanitation and Hygiene  
report - 2017 - 16 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Menstrual hygiene management: among adolescent schoolgirls in low- and middle-income countries: research priorities 
article - 2016 - 7 pp
Ed. Taylor and Francis Group - Abingdon
Managing menstruation in the workplace: an overlooked issue in low- and middle-income countries 
article - 2016 - 5 pp
Ed. BMC - London
The Impact of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene on Key Health and Social Outcomes: Review of Evidence 
report - 2016 - 112 pp
Ed. SHARE - London UNICEF - New York
An Opportunity to Address Menstrual Health and Gender Equity 
report - 2016 - 52 pp
Ed. FSG - Boston
Menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis 
article - 2016 - 13 pp
Ed. BMJ -
Do Menstrual Hygiene Management Interventions Improve Education and Psychosocial Outcomes for Women and Girls in Low and Middle Income Countries? A Systematic Review 
article - 2016 - 21 pp
Ed. PLOS - San Francisco
Eliminating discrimination and inequalities in access to water and sanitation 
report - 2015 - 29 pp
Ed. Un-Water - New York
La gestion de l'hygiène menstruelle à l'école 
textbook - 2015 - 20 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough
Taking the bloody linen out of the closet: Menstrual hygiene as a priority for achieving gender equality 
article - 2015
Ed. Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender - New York
Etude - Gestion de l'hygiène menstruelle : comportements et pratiques dans la région de Kédougou, Sénégal 
report - 2015 - 72 pp
Ed. Onu Femmes - Dakar WSSCC - Genève
Study - Menstrual hygiene management: behaviour and practices in Kye-Ossi and Bamoungoum, Cameroon 
report - 2015 - 80 pp
Ed. Onu Femmes - Dakar WSSCC - Genève
Study - Menstrual hygiene management: behaviour and practices in the Louga region, Senegal 
report - 2014 - 52 pp
Ed. Onu Femmes - Dakar WSSCC - Genève
Éducation à la puberté et à la gestion de l'hygiène menstruelle 
report - 2014 - 65 pp
Ed. UNESCO - Paris
Improved sanitation and its impact on children: an exploration of sanergy 
position paper - 2013 - 60 pp
Ed. WDI - Ann Arbor
We can’t wait: A report on sanitation and hygiene for women and girls 
booklet - 2013 - 28 pp
Ed. WSSCC - Genève
Hommage à la femme 
Comment une meilleure gestion de l'hygiène menstruelle conduit à une meilleure santé, plus de dignité et d’épanouissement professionnel booklet - 2013 - 24 pp
Ed. WSSCC - Genève
Femmes francophones et eaux du monde 
Entretiens audio , Audio CD - 2012 - 110 mn
Ed. Sandrine Pacitto-Mathou - Bordeaux
Eau, Femme et Développement Durable 
book - 2012 - 552 pp
Ed. EUE - Sarrebruck
Getting it right : improving maternal health through water, sanitation & hygiene 
report - 2012 - 31 pp
Ed. Simavi - Haarlem
Menstrual hygiene matters - A resource for improving menstrual hygiene around the world 
textbook - 2012 - 354 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
What is the impact of separate toilets for girls at schools on girls'educational outcomes? A systematic review of the evidence 
report - 2011 - 68 pp
Ed. LSHTM - London
SMC: Guide 3: Analyser la demande des usagers - et futurs usagers - des services d'eau et d'assainissement dans les villes africaines 
book , decision support instrument - 2011 - 192 pp
Ed. PDM - Cotonou pS-Eau - Paris
Growing up at school 
A guide to menstrual management for school girls brochure - 2011 - 28 pp
Ed. WIN-SA - Pretoria WRC - Pretoria
Access to safe sanitation – a right for EU citizens 
video streaming - 2008 - 8 mn
Ed. Rapsode Production - Paris WECF - Utrecht
Microfinance for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene – An Introduction 
booklet - 2007 - 33 pp
Ed. IRC - Den Haag NWP - Den Haag
La prise en compte du genre dans les projets d'adduction d'eau potable en milieux rural et semi-urbain 
Guide méthodologique guide - 2006 - 42 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris pS-Eau - Paris
The Cost of Water 
video streaming , video - 2006
Ed. AFD - Paris Objectif Images - Paris
Eau et genre dans le sud de Madagascar 
video streaming - 2005 - 35 mn
Ed. GRET - Antananarivo GRET - Nogent sur Marne
Women and Water: an ethical issue 
booklet - 2004 - 38 pp
Ed. Unesco Editions - Paris
Water, gender and sustainable development 
Expériences de la coopération française en Afrique subsaharienne book - 2002 - 112 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris GRET - Nogent sur Marne pS-Eau - Paris
Les Femmes, l'Education et l'Eau en Afrique 
report - 2000 - 133 pp
Ed. Unesco Editions - Paris

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