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Africa Minigrid Developers Association
623 Wood Avenue Plaza
1093-00606  Nairobi
Tél.: +254 (0) 703 653 049
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Objectives: Ensure that minigrids are utilized effectively by governments and donors and that the policy and financing environment supports the radical scale of minigrids. We leverage private capital and efficiency to electrify Africa.
Activities: We engage with policy makers, regulators and government stakeholders through effective communications, dialogue, and advocacy campaigns to ensure an enabling environment for the sustainable development of minigrids at scale. Through our regional coordinators, we provide on-the-ground support to developers in the various regions we cover (presently East Africa, Francophone Afrique, West Africa & Southern Africa).

Publications : 1 à 2 sur 2

Benchmarking Africa's minigrids report

rapport Aut. Elena Adamopoulou & Pilco Adrian & Stephens Jessica & Chahenza Joan ; 84 pages | Feb 2023
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Benchmarking Africa's minigrids report - Key findings

rapport Aut. Elena Adamopoulou & Pilco Adrian & Stephens Jessica & Chahenza Joan ; 24 pages | Jun 2022
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1 à 2 sur 2 Publications
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