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Sustainable water management improves tomorrow's cities' health
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Objectives: SWITCH is an EU-funded research programme aimed at achieving more sustainable integrated urban water management in the 'City of the Future', 30-50 years from now. Beginning in February 2006, it consists of a Consortium of 33 partner organizations working in 15 European and developing cities worldwide, with UNESCO-IHE as lead partner. The consortium partners are working together to share knowledge and research on a range of tested scientific, technological and socio-economic solutions to urban water management. It is envisaged that such proven sustainable solutions will be adopted globally to replace the many different ad hoc approaches which currently exist and to create a paradigm shift to sustainable urban water management
Activities: The SWITCH project included:

Cities in four continents and at various stages of development
All aspects of the water cycle – water, wastewater, stormwater and natural systems
A wide range of climatic, socio-economic and institutional situations
Social, economic and environmental perspectives
Scales ranging from household to city levels
Water as part of urban planning and the built environment
From the present time to the 'City of the Future
Multi-criteria framework for the selection of urban sanitation systems

rapport Aut. Adriaan Mels & Okke Braadbaart & Claudia Agudelo ; 10 pages | Nov 2007
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