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Publications |
Analysis of Water Reuse Potential for Irrigation in Lebanon
- (Sep 2022)
- We Made Every Living Thing From Water: An Interview with Karim Eid-Sabbagh - (Feb 2019) - Feasibility Assessment for Water Service Provision to Informal Tented Settlements (ITS) in Lebanon - (Oct 2017) - We made every living thing from water - (May 2017) - A political economy of water in Lebanon : water resource management, infrastructure production, and the International Development Complex - (Apr 2014) - Hydro-political Baseline of the Upper Jordan River - (Jan 2012) |
Triangle (Triangle Consulting)
513 Tekeyan Centre, Nahr Ibrahim St. Gemayze P.O. Box 17-5309 Beirut Liban info[à]thinktriangle.net www.thinktriangle.net |
Publications de l'organisme - Evaluation of UNICEF support to Water Establishments - (May 2023) |