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Publications de l'organisme - Influence of water quality and service on subscription and fee collection - (May 2023) - Influence of water quality and service on subscription and fee collection - (May 2023) - Monitoring annual and inter-annual snow cover fluctuation in the summit areas of Kfardebian and their effects on water resources (Monitoring and analysis of Laban Spring discharge) - (Jan 2021) - Mardi LEWAP 15/12/2020-Hydrologie et gestion des bassins versants méditerranéens et discussion juridique sur le cas du Liban -présentation hydrologie 2 - (Dec 2020) - Relationship between snow and groundwater - (Nov 2020) - Snow observatory - (Nov 2020) - Snow and Research Activities - (Nov 2020) - Wajdi Najem Presentation - Les sources de montagnes - (Jul 2019)