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Jihad Farah


- Water Trucking and Desludging Markets Study in Lebanon - (Mar 2020)
- Public service delivery in contexts of urban displacement - (Dec 2017)
- Public Service Provision in Municipal Unions in Lebanon : Solid Waste Management, Municipal Police and Public Safety, Accountability and Participation - (Dec 2017)

Publications of the organization
- La ville perméable au Liban - (Apr 2022)
- Assessment of Soil vulnerability and potential for rain water management in Zahle area - (Nov 2020)
- Projet "mobilisation des eaux souterraines pour l'alimentation AEP de Zahlé" - 4eme atelier 12/11/2020: Promouvoir l'agro-écologie - CR d'aide à la décision - (Nov 2020)
- Water Trucking and Desludging Markets Study in Lebanon - (Mar 2020)
- Water Trucking and Desludging Markets Study - Presentation - (Mar 2020)