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Public Service Provision in Municipal Unions in Lebanon : Solid Waste Management, Municipal Police and Public Safety, Accountability and Participation

Solid Waste Management, Municipal Police and Public Safety, Accountability and Participation
report Dec 2017 ; 41 pages ,
Aut. André Sleiman & Jihad Farah & Elie Mansour & Léon Telvizian
Ed. DRI - Berlin
Downloadable format: PdF (2 130 ko) PdF (300 ko)
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Editor Presentation
Around 75% of Lebanon’s municipalities cooperate within unions of municipalities that pool and coordinate their resources to deliver public services, such as infrastructure works, economic development, health, environmental protection, solid waste management, and public safety. Based on a nationwide survey across two thirds of Lebanon’s municipal unions, this report examines the state of play of public service delivery in key policy areas – namely solid waste management, security and municipal police, accountability and participation – and identifies the needs and challenges of local government authorities in their effort to provide citizens with effective and democratic public services. The report concludes with policy recommendations to improve the current decentralisation system in Lebanon.


essential services (CI) (DT) (ET)


Lebanon (CI) (DT) (ET)


DRI - Democracy Reporting International - Berlin - Germany

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