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Thorsten Reckerzügl
General Manager


- Opportunities for sustainable sanitationin climate action - (Feb 2019)
- Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) and Sanitation in Developing Countries: A Practical Guide - (Jan 2009)

Publications of the organization
- Preparing to be Unprepared - (Apr 2018)
- Faecal Sludge Managment - Photobook - (May 2017)
- Key Elements for a New Urban Agenda: Integrated management of urban waters and sanitation - (Apr 2016)
- How to make urban and sanitation planning work? Lessons learnt from West Africa, South-East Asia, Madagascar and Haiti - (Jan 2016)
- Sustainable wastewater management –operation and maintenance management models - (Jan 2012)
- Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) and Sanitation in Developing Countries: A Practical Guide - (Jan 2009)
- Hydraulic Ram Handbook - (Jan 2002)
- DEWATS Decentralised wastewater treatment in developing countries - (Jan 1998)
- DEWATS: Systèmes décentralisés de traitement des eaux usées dans les pays en voie de développement - (Jan 1998)