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Baseline Report on the assessment of the current water resources on the Nahr Al Ostuan Basin

Project deliverable no 2, Consultancy to facilitate Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in the Al Ostuan Basin
rapport Mar 2021 ; 195 pages
Aut. Maggie Kossida & Ioannis Tsoukalas & Marianne Saba & Najib Gerges & Yasmine Jabaly & Amal Iaaly
Ed. ACTED - Beirut
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (12 800 ko)
   Report on Future Scenarios    Policy Brief #1 Abstract:
The Al Ostuan River Basin is located in the Akkar casa in Northern Lebanon and flows from the east (its headwaters originate in Akkar Al Atika and Qoubayat) to the Mediterranean Sea in the Sahel area, with a length of 44 km (the main river).
Currently the river suffers from many issues due to its mismanagement.
Concluding the baseline assessment of water resources’ availability in the Al Ostuan River Basin for the period 2003-2018, it is observed that the current water supply cannot meet the water demand in the Al Ostuan River Basin, resulting in unmet demands in both the urban and agricultural sector every year.
The surface water of the river is too polluted to be exploited, especially for drinking purposes. It becomes thus clear, that the water pollution of the river, highly attributed to the direct disposal of sewage waste in the river, impedes the exploitation of the surface water.
The current conditions will be exacerbated in the future, as population growth projection and climate variability will increase the current water demands. There are multiple sources for the water contamination in the Al Ostuan River Basin, which has been identified as one of the polluted rivers in Akkar region in Northern Lebanon. The direct discharge of untreated wastewater from municipal areas and households has been identified as one of the major causes of environmental pollution.

Mots clefs:

gestion de la ressource en eau (CI) (DT) (OP) , pollution de l'eau (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Liban (CI) (DT) (OP)


ACTED - Beirut - Liban

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