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NIkki Shaw - How building toilets is key to better lives

video streaming Nov 2011 ; Duration: 14 min.
Aut. Nikki Shaw
Ed. TEDx - New York
Downloadable from the publisher
Nikki Shaw is a water and sanitation (watsan) engineer with a passion for toilets. With a career spanning two decades and five continents, Nikki has extensive watsan expertise in both industrial and developing countries: Rural water supply systems in Botswana, grassroots sanitation provision projects in Cambodia, to designing sewerage for Hong Kong tower blocks and Singapore MRT train systems. She has learned many valuable lessons and shares a surprising revelation: Safe toilets are the key to everything good.


access to sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , latrine, toilet (CI) (DT) (ET) , women (CI) (DT) (ET)


TEDx - New York - Usa

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