Are we doing the right thing? Critical questioning for city sanitation planning | |||||
rapport May 2016 ; 40 pages Ed. ISF - Sydney SNV - Den Haag Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (17 960 ko) Téléchargeable chez l'éditeur Page de présentation d'un éditeur Abstract: This document’s aim is to provoke practitioners, policy makers and development agencies to reflect on their approaches to city sanitation planning and the assumptions that underlie them. The document is not intended as a critique, and it does not recommend a particular planning approach. Nor does it add to existing stocks of guidance materials on how to develop sanitation plans (e.g. Sanitation 21, WHO Sanitation Safety Planning Guide 2015, Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation Planning (CLUES), guidance for City Sanitation Strategies (SSK) in Indonesia and City Sanitation Plans (CSPs) in India etc). Rather, its premise is that raising awareness of underlying assumptions in sanitation planning may lead to better targeted approaches to sanitation planning, if and when those assumptions are shown not to match realities.
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