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Institute for Sustainable Futures
(University of Technology)
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123
Sydney Broadway NSW 2007

Personnes Ressources


7 Contacts





Kumi Abeysuriya
Research Consultant
Naomi Carrard
Research Principal
Enterprise in WASH
Jeremy Kohlitz
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) researcher
Pierre Mukheibir
Associate Professor and Research Director, rural water and sanitation
Katie Ross
Research Director
Juliet Willetts
Associate Professor and Research Director
Enterprise in WASH
Keren Winterford
Research Director
Université-Ecole création en 1996 ;

Publications : 1 à 7 sur 7

Urban sanitation and climate change: A public service at risk

rapport Aut. Juliet Willetts & Avni Kumar & Freya Mills ; 42 pages | Aug 2022
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Téléchargeable sous format : PdF (4 830 ko)
Exploring legal and policy aspects of urban sanitation and hygiene

guide ; 28 pages | Aug 2016
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Téléchargeable sous format : PdF (2 220 ko)
A guide to septage transfer stations

guide Aut. Pierre Mukheibir ; 26 pages | Dec 2015
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Téléchargeable sous format : PdF (2 260 ko)
Working effectively with women and men in water, sanitation and hygiene programs

Learnings from research on gender outcomes from rural water, sanitation and hygiene projects in Vanuatu and Fiji rapport ; 68 pages | Jan 2010
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Téléchargeable sous format : PdF (1 990 ko)
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