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Le genre et les données sur l'eau

Projet pour l’évaluation, le suivi et la production de rapports sur les ressources en eau intégrant le genre
Gender and Water data
Project for gender sensitive water monitoring, assessment and reporting
slide show powerpoint Nov 2015 ; 24 pages
Ed. WWAP - Perugia Unesco Editions - Paris
Downloadable format: PdF (560 ko) PdF (450 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Editor Presentation
   Toolkit n. 1 & 2, Sex-disaggregated indicators for water assessment, monitoring and reporting    Toolkit n. 3: Guidelines on how to collect sex-disaggregated water data    Questionnaire for collecting sex-disaggregated water-data


gender (CI) (DT) (ET)


WWAP - UN World Water Assessment Programme - Perugia - Italy

Unesco Editions - Paris

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