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Managing Organic Municipal Waste

position paper Dec 2014 ; 10 pages
Aut. Jonathan Rouse
Practical Action - Rugby
Downloadable format: PdF (480 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
This technical brief outlines the main methods of putting organic waste to good.
This technical brief begins by describing the characteristics of organic waste, its sources and the particular hazards, challenges and opportunities it presents. It goes on to present a number of options for processing organic waste, including use as animal feed, biogas digesting, and composting. Many composting techniques are simple, and compost is relatively easy to make. However, sourcing uncontaminated raw materials, making a high-quality product, and making composting viable, can be difficult. This technical brief discusses some of the challenges and how to overcome them.


solid waste (CI) (DT) (ET)


Practical Action - Rugby - United Kingdom

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