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Urban Water Supply

report coll. Compendium of Global Good Practices n° 5 Jan 2015 ; 60 pages
Ed. NIUA - New Delhi PEARL - New Delhi
Downloadable format: PdF (2 070 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Areas studied were integrated water management, increasing customer base, corporatization of supply, reducing NRW etc. for efficient water supply; The compilation assembles good practices from countries like Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ireland, Japan, Cambodia, Bolivia, Brazil, Kenya, Netherlands and Mongolia.


drinking water (CI) (DT) (ET) , urban (CI) (DT) (ET) , water distribution (CI) (DT) (ET)


NIUA - National Institute of Urban Affairs - New Delhi - India

PEARL - Peer Experience and Reflective Learning - New Delhi - India

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