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Promising pathways

Innovations and best practices in CLTS at scale in Madagascar
livre Aug 2014 ; 170 pages
Aut. Kamal Kar & Kirsty Milward & Katherine Pasteur & Sisir Pradhan
Ed. FAA - Antananarivo IDS - Brighton WSSCC - Genève
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (6 720 ko)
   Sentiers prometteurs Abstract:
CLTS is a rapidly growing approach to solving the widespread sanitation challenges of the developing world. It is an approach that is proving to be effective in country after country, but most experience with the approach to date has been in a relatively bounded, project-based framework.

This publication looks at a particular experience in Madagascar of taking CLTS to a much larger scale. The Global Sanitation Fund’s programme in Madagascar, the Fonds d’Appui pour l’Assainissement (FAA),is in the midst of a remarkable process currently producing thousands of ODF villages, which combine to make ODF communes and ODF districts. Community members are aware of the multiple knock-on positive effects of the changes in their sanitation behaviour.

This document describes some of the mechanisms that have evolved to put this process into action –focusing on innovative strategies and models for scaling up. It identifies and highlights features of the actors and the institutional environment that are key to emerging successes. And it pulls out the lessonsemerging which can be applied in other settings where MDG targets for sanitation have not yet been achieved. These lessons are clearly situated these in the framework of the bottom-up and community-led principles underpinning the CLTS process.

Based on fieldwork conducted at community and national levels in Madagascar during 2013, the research for this publication was guided by Kamal Kar, founder and pioneer of CLTS, and conducted by a CLTS Foundation team.


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Mots clefs:

accès à l'assainissement (CI) (DT) (OP) , ATPC Assainissement Total Piloté par la Communauté (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Madagascar (CI) (DT) (OP)


FAA - Fonds d'Appui pour l'Assainissement - Antananarivo - Madagascar

IDS - Institute of Development Studies - Brighton - Royaume Uni

WSSCC - Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council - Genève - Suisse

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