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Water Stories: A Focus on Mexico

slide show powerpoint , poster, visual aid Oct 2007 ; 13 pages
Ed. Wilson Center - Washington
Downloadable format: PdF (1 500 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
“Water Stories: A Focus on Mexico”, a collaboration between the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Circle of Blue, offers a vivid glimpse of the lives that lie behind these statistics. Journalist J. Carl Ganter chronicles water and sanitation challenges facing families in the Iztapalapa region of Mexico City. Photographer Brent Stirton documents how water shapes everyday life in the Tehuacán Valley southeast of Mexico City, as residents struggle to obtain enough clean water to meet their basic needs. In Mexico, as with many other places around the world, the quest for water consumes time, energy, and valuable resources. Understanding this human struggle is one step toward ameliorating the global water crisis.


access to water (CI) (DT) (ET) , drinking water (CI) (DT) (ET)


Mexico (CI) (DT) (ET)


Wilson Center - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Washington - Usa

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