pS-Eau newsletter no 73 | ||||||
Supporting a realistic and shared post-2015 objective lettre d'information coll. Lettre du pS-Eau n° 73 Dec 2013 ; 16 pages Ed. pS-Eau - Paris Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (1 720 ko) Page de présentation d'un éditeur Contents: 1: Supporting a realistic and shared post-2015 objective 2: pS-Eau has a new look! 3: Monitoring, an indispensable tool : You can’t manage what you can’t measure! Monitoring is a concept that can be applied to a variety of different areas. An indication that the sector is undergoing rapid development, monitoring has taken centre stage in discussions about water and sanitation over the last few years. 4: Service Monitoring Seminar : Ouagadougou, 7 - 9 April 2014 5: Small-piped water schemes in West Africa : Sharing monitoring costs to improve cost-effectiveness 7: Monitoring small-piped water systems: An overview of experiences from three countries in the Sahel 9: Monitoring, a contract management tool for rural communities : An IRC initiative in Burkina Faso 11: Telephony and Internet, is there a revolution on the way? 13: Monitoring is being developed on every continent 15: pS-Eau Tools 15: 17th African Water Association Congress 17 - 20 February 2014, Abidjan 15: African cities: an introduction to urban planning 15: Low-cost online training from 2iE 15: Rural Sanitation at Scale : WEDC online course 16: Publications
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