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Roofwater Harvesting: Handbook for Practitioners

textbook Jan 2007 ; 153 pages
Aut. D.Brett Martinson & Terry Thomas
Ed. IRC - Den Haag ; Isbn: 9789066870574
Downloadable format: PdF (3 310 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Editor Presentation
This handbook is primarily focused on 'low-cost' domestic roofwater harvesting (DRWH) in the 'humid tropics'. It has been written to assist NGO and government staff responsible for implementing domestic roofwater harvesting systems or programmes. It is also meant to serve as a source of material for rainwater harvesting associations preparing national design guidelines in local languages. Finally, it could be used by individual householders or masons literate in English to design single roofwater harvesting systems.
Part A (Chapters 1 to 4) is focused on answering the question "When should DRWH be considered as a water supply option for a specified location or country?" This entails addressing other questions, such as, "How might DRWH be combined with other water sources?" and "How can DRWH systems be delivered?" Thus, Part A is aimed at those with responsibility for choosing technology - for example managers of NGO and governmental water programmes.
The rest of the handbook, Part B, is aimed at those implementing DRWH programmes and concentrates on which of the many forms of DRWH should be used in particular circumstances.


rainwater harvesting (CI) (DT) (ET)


IRC - Den Haag - Netherlands

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