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Rural Water Supply Manual: Vol1 Design Manual

manuel Mar 2012 ; 212 pages
Ed. World Bank - Taguig City
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (7 990 ko)
   Vol2 Construction Supervision Manual    Vol3 Operation Maintenance Manual Abstract:
Volume I: DESIGN MANUAL. – Its purpose is to introduce and give the reader the key design concepts in the design of waterworks facilities. For non-technical readers who are involved in the management and operation of small water supply systems, rather than in their actual design and construction, the text of Volume I will be useful in understanding and in making decisions that would enable them to avail more usefully of the services of the technical consultants and contractors they must deal with.

Mots clefs:

bornes fontaines (CI) (DT) (OP) , distribution d'eau potable (CI) (DT) (OP) , rural (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Philippines (CI) (DT) (OP)


World Bank - Taguig City - Philippines

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