The real obstacles to universal access to the water services in developping countries | |||||
article May 2005 ; 35 pages Aut. Sarah Botton & Alexandre Braïlowsky & Sarah Matthieussent Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (310 ko) Abstract: The purpose of this article is to provide a retrospective analysis of two drinking water access programs, for the populations living in poor neighbourhoods of (1) Buenos Aires (Argentina) and (2) Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Stemming from an analysis of both experiences, with quite different development structures, and of the management models introduced (giving new momentum to the State-owned company in the case of Haiti and building a public-private partnership in the Argentine experience), the authors reflect on the real stakes behind these initiatives. The nature of the operator is not the main factor in determining the success of these actions. On the contrary, one should move away from an ideological debate in order to focus on analyzing these projects’ success conditions: political will, quality of the partnerships and, last but not least, the degree of professionalism of the players in the industry and in this type of neighbourhoods. These are parameters which, once they have been taken into account, should provide a new momentum to the possibilities of the poorest populations to gain access to the basic urban services and allow for these experiences to be replicated, in spite of their contextual differences. Contents: I. Contexts of the projects 1.1 Port-au-Prince:. 68% of the urban population lives in poor neighbourhoods, and only 5 % have a conventional access to water 1.2 Buenos Aires: a city of twelve million inhabitants, 20% of which live in poor neighborhoods, most of them without any water supply 2. The terms of reference of the operators and the action strategies 2.1 port-au-prince: partnership between a state-owned company and the neighbourhood committees 2.2 Buenos Aires: the private sector and the challenge of the largest water concession in the world 3. Operational results 3.1. Port-au-Prince:.moving from a development project to the implementation of a public Policy allowing poor neighborhoods have access to drinking water 3.2 Buenos Aires: after the preparation stage of the operator, the first results Announce that the “poor neighborhoods” projects are moving to a massive stage Public-Cible:
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