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Improved Water Resources Monitoring System / Integrated Water Resources Management at regional level in Lebanon

Project summary
publication Jan 2020 ; 8 pages
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Downloadable format: PdF (2 890 ko)
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Editor Presentation
   Real-time monitoring at key locations    Water quality monitoring    Watershed prototype monitoring system    Water accounting tool    Managing assets of the irrigation system    Informed decisions transferred to end-users to improve capacity for enhanced crop water productivity Abstract:
In many regions of the world, including the NENA region and Lebanon, sustainable and reliable delivery of water for irrigation and municipal use has become increasingly complex and problematic. This issue also extends to affect the protection of the ecosystems from water pollution. Particularly, if the overall demand is outstripping supply, the delivery of water is often less about engineering, although it is still required. The issue is more often related to the governance of the resources, to manage and protect sources from pollution and over-abstraction, resolve conflicts about water, and ensure rights to water are respected. It is also about understanding water flow pathways in complex river basin systems. This is where water monitoring and accounting can play a crucial role to help water management institutions, such as the regional Water Establishments, in managing complexity in light of the challenges facing the water sector.


irrigation (CI) (DT) (ET) , management of water resources (CI) (DT) (ET) , water pollution (CI) (DT) (ET)


Lebanon (CI) (DT) (ET)


FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Baabda - Lebanon

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