retour liste de documents détaillée374 documents:

351to 374 of 374

Master Plan for the Bekaa Water Establishment: Water assessment report 
decision support instrument - 2015 - 190 pp
Ed. DAI - Jddeideh Kredo - Beirut USAID - Washington USAID - Antelias
Master Plan for the Bekaa Water Establishment: Water capital investment plan and priority action plan  
decision support instrument - 2015 - 135 pp
Ed. DAI - Jddeideh Kredo - Beirut USAID - Washington USAID - Antelias
- 2015
Ed. DAI - Jddeideh
The Way Forward to Safeguard Water in Lebanon National Water Integrity Risk Assessment 
report - 2015 - 42 pp
Ed. AUB - Beirut
Caractérisation des eaux usées au Liban : impact sur le fonctionnement des stations d'épuration 
thesis - 2015 - 241 pp
Ed. HAL-SHS - Lyon LU - Beirut
Rehabilitation of water production station in Daychounieh Water Treatment Plant & Pumping Station 
newsletter - 2015
Ed. UN-Habitat - Beirut
Impact of the Syrian conflict on irrigated agriculture in the Orontes Basin 
- 2015
Ed. AJT - Kara AUB - Beirut
Améliorer l'assainissement au Liban 
video streaming - 2015 - 3 mn
Ed. AFD - Paris AFD - Beirut
Brochure campaign on the pollution of the Litani River 
brochure , communication material - 2015 - 2 pp
Ed. IAAF - Beirut
Analysis of willingness to pay households To Improve The Quality Of Drinking water service: Case of Lebanon 
position paper - 2015 - 19 pp
Ed. MPRA - Munich
Organic pollution in surficial sediments of Tripoli harbour, Lebanon 
thesis - 2015
Ed. LU - Beirut
Lebanon Crisis Response Plan 2015 Sector WASH 
position paper - 2014 - 6 pp
Ed. UNHCR - Genève
Lebanon Crisis Response Plan 2015-2016 
report - 2014 - 104 pp
Ed. UNHCR - Genève
WASH assessment of Syrian refugee households in Akkar Governorate 
report - 2014 - 32 pp
Ed. REACH - Beirut OCHA - Genève UNICEF - Beirut
Assessment of Groundwater Resources of Lebanon 
report - 2014 - 92 pp
Ed. MEE - Beirut UNDP - New York
Hot Water: a short film on Syrian refugees in Lebanon 
video streaming - 2014 - 3 mn
Ed. Oxfam - Beirut
Etude de capitalisation sur le secteur de l'assainissement au Liban  
report - 2014 - 117 pp
Ed. Hydroconseil - Avignon
Master Plan for the Bekaa Water Establishment: Irrigation assessment report  
decision support instrument - 2014 - 76 pp
Ed. DAI - Jddeideh Kredo - Beirut USAID - Washington USAID - Antelias
Les Municipalités et la gestion de l'assainissement 
Premier séminaire national d’information et de sensibilisation des municipalités libanaises sur l’assainissement colloquium - 2014 - 45 pp
Ed. Bureau Technique des Villes Libanaises - Beirut
Water utilities reform in the Arab Region: Lessons learned and guiding principles 
report - 2014 - 83 pp
Ed. ACWUA - Amman
Study of contamination of water and sediments by pesticides 
thesis - 2014
Ed. LU - Beirut
A political economy of water in Lebanon : water resource management, infrastructure production, and the International Development Complex 
thesis - 2014 - 269 pp
Ed. SOAS - London
Response to the Syrian Crisis 
report - 2014 - 12 pp
Ed. ACTED - Beirut
Behind the Concrete Veil 
report - 2014 - 32 pp
Ed. ACTED - Beirut
Legal analysis of transboundary waters in the upper Jordan river basin 
report - 2014 - 126 pp
Ed. IAAF - Beirut
Ghaniyé bil Miyâh : réformer la gestion de l'eau dans le Akkar ? 
video streaming - 2014 - 34 mn
Ed. IFPO - Beirut
Study of mercury contamination in aquatic environments : fate and biogeochemical behavior, development of analytical methods for trace mercury analysis 
thesis - 2013 - 245 pp
Ed. Université de Lille - Villeneuve d'Ascq
TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 6 Water Balance for the Groundwater Contribution Zone of Jeita Spring using WEAP 
report - 2013 - 132 pp
Ed. BGR - Rayfoun
Technical Report No. 5: Hydrogeology of the Groundwater Contribution Zone of Jeita Spring 
report - 2013 - 299 pp
Ed. BGR - Rayfoun
Water Management in Lebanon: A Confiscated Reform? 
article - 2013 - 19 pp
Ed. EHESS - Paris
Entre centralisation et appropriation locale  
article - 2013 - 20 pp
Ed. EHESS - Paris
Achevées, en construction, pas connectées : état des lieux des stations d'épuration au Liban  
press article - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. L'Orient Le Jour - Beirut
Master Plan for the Bekaa Water Establishment Inception report 
decision support instrument - 2013 - 68 pp
Ed. DAI - Jddeideh Kredo - Beirut USAID - Washington USAID - Antelias
Energy from Wastewater Sewage Sludge in Lebanon 
report - 2013 - 92 pp
Ed. UNDP - Beirut
Delineation of the Groundwater Catchment for Jeita Spring using Tracer Tests, Mapping of GW Vulnerability and Delineation of GW Protection Zones 
slide show powerpoint - 2013 - 33 pp
Ed. BGR - Rayfoun
Extension of Al‐Ghadir Wastewater Treatment Plant ‐ Lebanon Environmental and Social Impact Assessment 
report - 2012 - 236 pp
Ed. ELARD - Beirut
Lebanon Technology Needs Assessment Report for Climate Change 
report - 2012 - 260 pp
Ed. MoE - Beirut UNDP - Beirut
Etude juridico-administrative sur les stations d'épuration des eaux usées au Liban 
law, code , report - 2012 - 70 pp
Ed. Bureau Technique des Villes Libanaises - Beirut
National strategy for the wastewater sector 
law, code - 2012 - 27 pp
Ed. MEE - Beirut
CDR Progress report (wastewater) - 2012 
report - 2012 - 9 pp
Ed. CDR - Beirut
WASH assesment report for North and South Lebanon 
report - 2012 - 47 pp
Ed. CISP - Beirut Relief International - Beirut
WASH Assessment North Lebanon 
report - 2012 - 17 pp
Ed. ACTED - Paris ACTED - Beirut UNICEF - Beirut
SPECIAL REPORT NO. 14 Environmental Risk Assessment of the Fuel Stations in the Jeita Spring Catchment 
report - 2012
Ed. BGR - Rayfoun
Lebanon - Country Water Sector Assistance Strategy - 2012-2016 
report - 2012 - 46 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
National Water Sector Strategy, 2010-2020 
law, code - 2012 - 109 pp
Ed. MEE - Beirut
Hydrogeology and Contamination of the Basin of Tripoli -Abstract 
thesis - 2012
Ed. LU - Beirut
Hydro-political Baseline of the Upper Jordan River 
report - 2012 - 146 pp
Ed. IAAF - Beirut
Determination of pesticides, Nitrates and Nitrites level in Groundwater of Akkar plain in Northen Lebanon 
thesis - 2012
Ed. LU - Beirut
Documentation des biens hydrauliques et des réseaux d'eau potable dans la région de la Beqaa 
slide show powerpoint - 2011 - 22 pp
Ed. GIZ - Eschborn
L'efficience d'utilisation de l'eau et approche économique: Etude nationale Liban 
report - 2011 - 64 pp
Ed. Plan Bleu - Marseille

351 to 374 of 374