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Analyse du consentement à payer des ménages pour améliorer la qualité du service en eau potable: cas du Liban

Analysis of willingness to pay households To Improve The Quality Of Drinking water service: Case of Lebanon
position paper Jan 2015 ; 19 pages
Aut. Hassan Ayoub & Mourad Kertous
Ed. MPRA - Munich
Downloadable format: PdF (550 ko)
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This study on willingness to pay of Lebanese households to improve service quality drinking water is part of an economic environment that favors the beneficiaries' contribution to the management of social infrastructure. Its objective is to determine the level of input from consumers who would have a better service for drinking water. Through a socio-economic status, this study produces information that provide guidance on public opinion about the paid access to community facilities and the conditions under which consumers are willing to pay. Econometric analysis has identified the significant variables that influence the willingness to pay for improved food service. Consistent with the theory of demand, the income variable influence positively willingness to pay as opposed to the variable amount of water consumed. Based on theses willingness to pay, the study focuses on finding an appropriate pricing policy that would be a price level of consensus reconciling the purchasing power of consumers with the rate of return of establishments’ water.


costs, tariffs (CI) (DT) (ET)


Lebanon (CI) (DT) (ET)


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