retour liste de documents détaillée127 documents:

101to 127 of 127

Reuse of domestic wastewater treated in macrophyte ponds to irrigate tomato and eggplant in semi-arid West-Africa: Benefits and risks 
article - 2009 - 8 pp
Ed. EPFL - Lausanne 2iE - Ouagadougou Université de Parakou - Parakou
Identification and Removal of Bottlenecks for extended Use of Wastewater for Irrigation or for other Purposes 
report - 2009 - 57 pp
Ed. AHT GROUP AG - Essen Commission Européenne - Bruxelles EU - Beirut
Using human waste safely for livelihoods, food production and health 
2nd information kit on the 3rd edition of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater in agriculture and aquaculture report - 2009
Ed. WHO - Genève
Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management 
Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global Resource book - 2008 - 632 pp
Ed. UN-Habitat - Nairobi
Good farming practices to reduce vegetable contamination 
video streaming - 2008 - 16 mn
Ed. IWMI - Accra
Efficient Management of Wastewater Its Treatment and Reuse in Water-Scarce Countries 
book - 2008 - 318 pp
Ed. Springer - Berlin
Technical bulletin on greywater treatment and reuse in MENA 
position paper - 2007 - 6 pp
Ed. CRDI - Ottawa
Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater. Volume 4: Excreta and greywater use in agriculture 
report - 2006 - 204 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
A compendium of standards for wastewater reuse in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 
report - 2006 - 24 pp
Ed. CEHA - Amman WHO - Cairo
Overview of greywater management: Health considerations 
Discussed and approved at the regional consultation on national priorities and plans of action on management and reuse of wastewater, Amman, Jordan report - 2006 - 41 pp
Ed. CEHA - Amman WHO - Cairo
Prospects of Efficient Wastewater Management and Water Reuse in Palestine 
report - 2005 - 70 pp
Ed. ENEA - S. Maria Galeria Meda Water Programme - Amman IWS - Birzeit InWEnt - Berlin
Wastewater treatment and reuse as a potential water resource for irrigation 
article - 2005 - 25 pp
Ed. CIHEAM - Valenzano
Wastewater treatment and reuse in Lebanon: key fact ors for future agricultural uses 
article - 2005 - 13 pp
Ed. CIHEAM - Paris
Wastewater and Irrigated Agriculture Lessons Learned and Possible Applications in Africa 
article - 2004 - 20 pp
Ed. ATPS - Nairobi
Water and Wastewater Reuse - An Environmentally Sound Approach for Sustainable Urban Water Management 
report - 2004 - 48 pp
Ed. IETC - Osaka
Mémento de l'irrigation 
booklet - 2003 - 15 pp
Ed. ISF - Bruxelles
Wastewater Reuse in Urban Agriculture 
Numéro 8, Décembre 2003 periodical - 2003 - 55 pp
Ed. RUAF Foundation - Leusden
User manual for irrigation with treated wastewater 
report - 2003 - 73 pp
Ed. FAO - Cairo
Wastewater engineering: treatment, disposal, and reuse. 
book - 2003 - 1819 pp
Ed. McGraw-Hill Education - New York Metcalf & Eddy Services, Inc. - Wakefield
Community-Based Technologies for Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: options for urban agriculture 
report - 1998 - 75 pp
Ed. CRDI - Ottawa
Analysis of wastewater for use in agriculture : a laboratory manual of parasitological and bacteriological techniques 
textbook - 1997 - 37 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Irrigation with treated municipal wastewater 
article - 1992 - 5 pp
Ed. CIHEAM - Valenzano
Wastewater treatment and use in agriculture 
FAO irrigation and drainage paper 47 book - 1992 - 169 pp
Ed. FAO - Rome
Guide pour l'utilisation sans risques des eaux résiduaires et des excréta en agriculture et aquaculture - Mesures pour la protection de la santé publique - Résumé d'orientation 
booklet - 1991 - 19 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater and excreta in agriculture and aquaculture : measures for public health protection 
book - 1991 - 205 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Review and analysis of status of implementation of wasterwater strategies and/or action plans National report_ Egypt 
report - 66 pp
Ed. Commission Européenne - Bruxelles
Updated National Water Sector Strategy 2020-2035 
law, code
Ed. LEWAP - Beirut

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