retour liste de documents détaillée111 documents:

101to 111 of 111

Half of health care facilities globally lack basic hygiene services 
article - 2022 - 3 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Sensibiliser à la vidange hygiénique et améliorée 
position paper - 2018 - 4 pp
Ed. CITE - Antananarivo GRET - Antananarivo pS-Eau - Paris Ran'Eau - Antananarivo
Techniques de base pour le laboratoire des centres de santé 
textbook - 2019 - 88 pp
Ed. ACAUPED - Plévenon
internet portal - 2020
Ed. Global Solar & Water Initiative - Washington DC
WASH'Nutrition Practical guidebook 
guide - 2017 - 156 pp
Ed. ACF - Montreuil
Waste management in informal settlements 
publication - 2021 - 88 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Beirut
Water and sanitation for health facility improvement tool (WASH FIT) 
guide - 2018 - 62 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York WHO - Genève
Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities 
report - 2015 - 52 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities: status in low and middle income countries and way forward 
report - 2015 - 35 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Water, sanitation, hygiene and health 
guide - 2019
Ed. WHO - Cairo
Webinaire: "L'accès à une eau saine en situation d'urgence et zones reculées" 
video streaming - 2022 - 94 mn
Ed. Ran'Eau - Antananarivo

101 to 111 of 111