Réseau ou collectif
Langue de travail:
Objectifs: Réduction des coûts récurrents à moyen et long terme : intégration de l'utilisation de l'énergie solaire pour assurer l'approvisionnement en eau des communautés locales, des camps de réfugiés et de personnes déplacées.
Membres : USAID, OXFAM, OIM, UE (Aide humanitaire & protection des civils)
Objectives: Reducing Medium and Long Term Recurrent Costs: mainstreaming the use of Solar Energy to ensure water supply in local communities, refugee and IDP Camps.
Activities: The aim of the initiative is to mainstream wise and efficient use of solar technology in water projects for both, humanitarian and development actors. This is expected to be achieved when the following activities and services are carried out/ developed:
1) Common agreed methodology to consistently assess and monitor technical and financial aspects of Solar pumping schemes.
2) Carry out techno-economic assessments of selected, high priority 60 sites (camps, villages) prone to solarization.
3) Running of technical workshops (at HQs, Regions and country level). Setting up self-sustained training programmes at key selected Universities.
4) Engagement with private sector actors; exploring of PPP’s and business models.
5) Steering of Solar Technical Working group; opening technical helpline at solarquery@iom.int
6) Linking with other Regions, global WaSH Cluster and global related platforms, Energy Practitioners Groups and other Solar initiatives to maximize global impact and sustainability.
7) Creation of solar tools to better gauge opportunities; Monitoring and capitalization of solar projects; research on other uses of energy and complementary applications of cutting-edge related technologies.
8) Engage with decision makers to advocate for solar solutions; Setting of standards for Solar&Water projects.