retour liste de documents détaillée5 documents:

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Africa Groundwater Atlas 
carte géographique , site internet portail - 2016
Ed. BGS - Nottingham
Climate change, water resources and WASH: a scoping study 
rapport - 2011 - 69 pp
Ed. BGS - Nottingham ODI - London
Eaux souterraines : La réponse mondiale ignorée face au changement climatique 
rapport - 2022 - 12 pp
Ed. BGS - Nottingham WaterAid - London
Groundwater Quality: Madagascar 
rapport - 2002 - 5 pp
Ed. BGS - Nottingham WaterAid - Antananarivo
UPGRO Hidden Crisis Research consortium: Project approach for defining and assessing rural water supply functionality and levels of performance 
rapport - 2018 - 27 pp
Ed. BGS - Nottingham

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