retour liste de documents détaillée10 documents:

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Community Management of Rural Water Supply-Case Studies of Success from India 
rapport - 2017 - 252 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London
Domestic wastewater treatment in developing countries 
manuel - 2003 - 293 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London
Meeting development goals in small urban centres 
rapport - 2006 - 296 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London UN-Habitat - Nairobi
Regulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor 
livre - 2008 - 320 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London
Resource Recovery from Waste. Business Models for Energy, Nutrient and Water Reuse in Low- and Middle-income Countries 
livre - 2018 - 832 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London Taylor and Francis Group - Abingdon
Solid Waste Management in the World's Cities - Water & Sanitation in the World's Cities 
rapport - 2010 - 257 pp
Ed. UN-Habitat - Nairobi
The Adaptive Water Resource Management Handbook 
manuel - 2010 - 217 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London
The Last Taboo: Opening the Door on the Global Sanitation Crisis 
livre - 2008 - 272 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London
Water and Sanitation Services 
livre - 2009 - 392 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London
Rapport mondial des Nations Unies sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau 
L'eau dans un monde changeant rapport - 2009 - 348 pp
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London UNESCO - Paris

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