retour liste de documents détaillée79 documents:

1to 50 of 79

Analysis of Water Reuse Potential for Irrigation in Lebanon 
report - 2022 - 149 pp
Ed. IWMI - Giza
Drought in numbers 2022 - restoration for readiness and resilience 
report - 2022 - 51 pp
Ed. UNCCD - Bonn
Are Fresh Water and ReclaimedWater Safe for Vegetable Irrigation? Empirical Evidence from Lebanon 
file, study - 2022 - 23 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
Participatory water institutions and sustainable irrigation management: evidence and lessons from West Bengal, India 
article - 2022 - 18 pp
Ed. CME - Marseille IWA - London
Rehabilitation and waste management of El-Bared canal irrigation system to reduce source-to-sea pollution and improve livelihoods in the Akkar Region of Lebanon 
publication - 2021 - 8 pp
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Real-time monitoring at key locations 
publication - 2021 - 12 pp
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Managing assets of the irrigation system 
publication - 2021 - 12 pp
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Informed decisions transferred to end-users to improve capacity for enhanced crop water productivity 
publication - 2021 - 12 pp
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Assessment of engineering solutions for solid waste removal from irrigation canals in North Lebanon 
report - 2021 - 88 pp
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Treated municipal wastewater reuse for eggplant irrigation 
file, study - 2021 - 7 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
Stakeholder mapping and needs assessment - Lebanon: Remote sensing for water productivity 
map , report - 2020 - 93 pp
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Vers une gestion durable de l'eau au Vietnam (L'Asie et nous 3/6) 
video streaming - 2020 - 10 mn
Ed. AFD - Paris
Improved Water Resources Monitoring System / Integrated Water Resources Management at regional level in Lebanon 
publication - 2020 - 8 pp
Ed. FAO - Baabda
Table grapes irrigation with treated municipal wastewater in a Mediterraean environment 
file, study - 2020 - 11 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
Analyse Multi-Scalaire des Politiques et de la Gouvernance de l'Eau dans le Bassin du Litani, Liban 
thesis - 2019 - 518 pp
Ed. Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 - Montpellier
In Vietnam, sound Water Development approaches yield positive benefits 
poster, visual aid - 2019 - 2 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Utilisation des eaux usées en agriculture : enjeux pour les régions arides 
article - 2018 - 4 pp
Ed. JLE - Montrouge
Projet Agriculture Durable par une Approche Paysage (PADAP) 
communication material - 2018 - 4 pp
Ed. AFD - Antananarivo
Solutions innovantes pour l'accès à l'énergie hors réseaux 
position paper , report - 2018 - 14 pp
Ed. ADEME - Montrouge Cedex
Assessing the performance of constructed wetland for water quality management of a Southern Mediterranean river 
file, study - 2018 - 11 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
USAID water and development country plan for Lebanon 
position paper - 2017 - 6 pp
Ed. USAID - Antelias USAID - Washington
Programme National des Aménagements Hydrauliques 2017-2030 
law, code - 2017 - 101 pp
Ed. MEA - Ouagadougou
Etude, Conception et Réalisation d'un système de 135 kWc de pompage d'eau solaire Photovoltaïque à Babliyeh-Liban 
file, study - 2017 - 136 pp
Ed. Le CNAM - Paris LU - Beirut
Rapport National de l'Eau 2017 Tunisie 
report - 2017 - 213 pp
Ed. Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques et de la Pêche - Tunis
Guide pour l'action : transfert de la gestion des périmètres publics irrigués aux associations d'irrigants en Tunisie. Tome 2. La démarche DIMA : un dialogue multi-acteurs pour la gestion concertée des ressources et des territoires 
guide - 2017 - 64 pp
Ed. CIRAD - Montpellier Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques et de la Pêche - Tunis
Reuse of treated municipal wastewater in irrigation: a case study from Lebanon and Jordan 
file, study - 2017 - 7 pp
Ed. LARI - Zahle
Groundwater governance in the central Bekaa Lebanon 
report - 2016 - 129 pp
Ed. IWMI - Giza USAID - Antelias
Réutilisation des eaux usées pour l'irrigation agricole en zone périurbaine de pays en développement : pratiques, défis et solutions opérationnelles 
report - 2016 - 63 pp
Ed. CIRAD - Montpellier Ecofilae - Montpellier
Bonnes pratiques de maintenance des equipements d'irrigation modernes dans les Niayes 
textbook - 2016 - 40 pp
Ed. PADEN - Thiès
Sustainability Assessment of Large Irrigation Dams in Senegal: A Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Senegal River Valley 
article - 2016 - 16 pp
Ed. Frontiers in Environmental Science - Lausanne
Analysis of water delivery performance of smallholder irrigation schemes in Ethiopia: Diversity and lessons across schemes, typologies and reaches 
article - 2016
Ed. ILRI - Addis Ababa
Assessment of Treated Wastewater for Agriculture in Lebanon 
report - 2016 - 42 pp
Ed. FAO - Rome FAO - Baabda
National guidelines for greenhouse rainwater harvesting systems in the agriculture sector 
guide - 2016 - 68 pp
Ed. MoE - Beirut UNDP - Beirut
Water Substitution and Reuse Policy 
law, code - 2016 - 27 pp
Ed. MWI - Amman
Drying Wells, Rising Stakes Towards Sustainable Agricultural Groundwater Use 
report - 2015 - 200 pp
Ed. OCDE - Paris
Le compteur volumétrique 
position paper - 2015 - 4 pp
Ed. ARDEPI - Aix en Provence
On Target for People and Planet 
report - 2014 - 56 pp
Ed. CGIAR - Colombo IWMI - Colombo
Master Plan for the Bekaa Water Establishment: Irrigation assessment report  
decision support instrument - 2014 - 76 pp
Ed. DAI - Jddeideh Kredo - Beirut USAID - Antelias USAID - Washington
Contrôle et entretien d'une installation d'irrigation 
position paper - 2014
Ed. ARDEPI - Aix en Provence
L'irrigation goutte à goutte en arboriculture et cultures maraîchères 
position paper - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. ARDEPI - Aix en Provence
Les conduites et les pertes de charge 
position paper - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. ARDEPI - Aix en Provence
Le pompage 
position paper - 2013 - 4 pp
Ed. ARDEPI - Aix en Provence
Socio-spatial Issues of Large-Scale Hydraulics. 
article - 2013 - 24 pp
Ed. AFA - Charenton-le-Pont
Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater Volume 2: Wastewater use in agriculture 
guide - 2013 - 254 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Manuel d'utilisation du programme de calcul CECIIL (Calcul Et Conception d'Infrastructures d'Irrigation Localisée) 
textbook , software - 2012 - 68 pp
Ed. Universitat Jaume I - Castellón de la Plana
On-farm practices for the safe use of wastewater in urban and peri-urban horticulture. A training handbook for farmer field schools 
report - 2012 - 55 pp
Ed. FAO - Rome
Guidelines for Treated Wastewater Use for Irrigation Projects - Part 5: Monitoring 
ISO TC 253/SC N article - 2012
Ed. ISO - Genève
SSP 11: Water reuse 
periodical - 2012 - 32 pp
Ed. EcoSan Club - Wien
Wastewater Irrigation and Health : Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Low-Income Countries 
book - 2012 - 488 pp
Ed. CRDI - Ottawa IWMI - Accra PUQ - Montreal
Lessons learned in the developement of smallholder private irrigation for high value crops in West Africa 
report - 2011 - 76 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington

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