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Joy Clancy
Professor in Development Studies specializing in Gender and Energy
NGO or association

Objectives: ENERGIA is an international network of like-minded organisations and professionals, active in Africa and Asia, with one common vision:

Women and men have equal and equitable access to and control over sustainable energy services as an essential right to development

To achieve this, we:
contribute to energy access for all by scaling up the delivery of energy services through women-led micro and small businesses,
advocate for and provide technical support to mainstream gender approaches in energy policies and programs,
provide the evidence base for improving energy investment effectiveness through research,
raise awareness and enhance knowledge of issues related to gender and energy through networking and knowledge products

Our early days
ENERGIA was established in 1996 by a group of energy experts involved in the energy work in developing countries. At the time, gender issues were just shy of non-existent in energy policies, programs and projects. Linkages between energy and gender (see: Why gender and energy) were hardly discussed at international conferences and actions in the sustainable energy transition were gender-blind, failing to recognize women’s needs and role. ENERGIA set out to change that. By mainstreaming gender in energy policies and institutions and promoting the empowerment of women, ENERGIA contributed to increasing the visibility and credibility of gender issues at international, regional and national level. Through information exchange, capacity building, research and advocacy activities, ENERGIA aimed at strengthening the knowledge resources on gender and energy, raising awareness on the importance of a gender approach to build an equal energy sector.

Publications : 1 à 2 sur 2

Gender audits: An approach to engendering energy policy in Nepal, Kenya and Senegal

(Les audits genre : une approche à l'intégration du genre dans la politique énergétique au Népal, Kenya et Sénégal) article Aut. Joy Clancy & Nthabiseng Mohlakoana ; 9 pages | Apr 2020
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Téléchargeable sous format : PdF (260 ko)
Editor Presentation
Supporting last-mile women energy entrepreneurs: What works and what does not

(Soutenir les entrepreneuses énergie du dernier kilomètre : ce qui fonctionne et ce qui ne fonctionne pas) outil d'aide à la décision , rapport Aut. Soma Dutta ; 139 pages | Dec 2018
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Téléchargeable sous format : PdF (2 880 ko)
Editor Presentation
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