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India Sanitation Portal

NGO or association création en 2008 ;

Objectives: The India Sanitation Portal is an open, inclusive, web-based platform for sharing sanitation knowledge amongst practitioners and the general public.

It aims to draw on the rich experience of sanitation-sector experts, package their knowledge and add value to it through technology and then disseminate it to a larger audience through the internet. The Portal seeks to address the knowledge asymmetry by sharing best practices, advocating sustainable approaches, bringing transparency of public data and information, and by spreading awareness.

Publications : 1 à 6 sur 6

CLTS Training Manual for Natural Leaders

manuel ; 60 pages | Apr 2011
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Manuel du droit à l'eau et à l'assainissement

(Manual on Right to Water and Sanitation) (Manual sobre el Derecho al Agua y al Saneamiento) Un outil pour aider les décideurs et praticiens à développer des stratégies de mise en oeuvre du droit de l'homme à l'eau et à l'assainissement manuel ; 302 pages | Jan 2008
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Téléchargeable sous format : PdF (2 200 ko) PdF (3 050 ko) PdF (2 220 ko) Downloadable from the publisher
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