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Aquaya Institute
Riara Corporate Suites
Suite #203
PO Box 21862-00505
00505  Nairobi
Kenya Lat:37.8007094 Long:-122.4563883

Personnes Ressources


2 Contacts





Caroline Delaire
Director of Research and Programs
(Directrice des Programmes de Recherche)
linkedin: linkedin
John T. Trimmer
Deputy Director of Research
Organisme de recherche

Objectives: Aquaya is dedicated to improving global child health by increasing access to safe drinking water. It focuses on research and technology development in the areas of water quality management, service delivery, and impact assessment.
It also provides consulting services to support public and private safe water efforts.
The Impact of Pro-Poor Sanitation Subsidies in Open Defecation-Free Communities: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in Rural Ghana

(L'impact des subventions d'assainissements pour les plus pauvres au Ghana sur les communautés qui ne défèquent plus à l'air libre : un essai comparatif aléatoire en zone rurale au Ghana) article ; 18 pages | Jun 2022
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