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CARE Jordanie
P.O Box 950793
11195  Amman
Tél.: + 962 6 552 7291 / 553 3702 / 552 8511
Fax: + 962 6 552 7951

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Champs géographiques d'intervention : local; regional; national; Pays d'intervention : Jordan [<-interv. sur] - NGO or association Multi/bilateral organisation création en 1948 ; 15 salariés ;
Langue de travail: allemand; arabe;
Partenaires institutionnels: Ministries of Agriculture, Water and Irrigation, Social Development, Interior Affairs / the Balqa Governorate, Health, Environment
Partenaires associatifs: INWRDAM, IRC (regional partners), local civil society organizations (= CBOs)

Activities: Euro-Med Participatory Water Resources Scenarios (EMPOWERS) aims to improve long-term access to water by vulnerable populations through more effective local integrated water resource management.
The project focuses on: (i) the community management of local drinking water supply and sanitation and sewage; (ii) improved management of local water resources (including rivers and ground water); (iii) irrigation water management; and (iv) use of non-conventional water resources – for example, the recycling of domestic household water for irrigation purposes.
A further aim is to change attitudes to water-use by increasing public awareness of problems and opportunities in the water sector. As well as the communities using the water, the project focuses on governorate and district water authority staff. Pilot projects are being run to provide immediate benefits to local communities as well as a rationale for dialogue and working relationships between communities and various levels of government.

(For more information:
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