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Ecological Sanitation []
à Harare (Zimbabwe)
(formation annuelle)
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Objectives: The objectives of the course will be to expose participants to sanitation options with special emphasis on ecological sanitation. The following areas will be covered:
Sanitation systems being used in Southern Africa region, challenges, strengths weaknesses and the way forward.
Ecological sanitation concept principles as a desirable option for the future and associated benefits.
Ecological sanitation technologies as alternative options in solving the regional challenges.
Use of treated human excreta for agricultural production.
Advocacy, promotion, institutional framework and gender mainstreaming in ecological sanitation.
Coût: US $300
The course is targeting middle level managers and implementers of water and sanitation programs in the Southern Africa region.

Entry Requirements: Holders of Degrees or Diplomas in Environmental Health, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) or any other diploma or degree qualification related to water and sanitation.
Mots-Clefs: assainissement
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development
7 Maasdorp Avenue
Alexandra Park
P.O Box MP 422 Mount Pleasant
Tél: +263 4 735017/26/35
Fax: 263 4 738 120 / 735 017
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