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National certificate in water and waste management []
à Harare (Zimbabwe) Formation longue
Diplôme final: National certificate in water and waste management
About the course: This is a first level towards a National Diploma in Water and Waste Management (NADIMA). The course covers the principles of water and wastewater technology, so that participants are able to appreciate the technology used and the treatment processes involved. The modules covered in the course are applied mathematics, applied biology, applied chemistry, support systems, water treatment and wastewater treatment. The course is registered with the Ministry of Higher Education and Technology who will examine and issue the certificate.
People working for local authorities and water agencies in water and wastewater facilities.
Entry requirements: Five ‘O’ levels including English, and Sciences
Mots-Clefs: assainissement , eau potable , formation à distance , gestion - management
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development
7 Maasdorp Avenue
Alexandra Park
P.O Box MP 422 Mount Pleasant
Tél: +263 4 735017/26/35
Fax: 263 4 738 120 / 735 017
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